Why do cats grab things and give them to their owners?

There was a very popular video on Weibo before. A kind person rescued a stray cat. As a result, the stray cat sent him a lot of small animals, many of which were already dead. panic. So why do cats grab things and give them to their owners?

This behavior is seen in both stray and domestic cats in care. Is this the “cat’s repayment” in the legend? On the one hand, sharing food is a way for animals to express their friendly attitude; on the other hand, it also shows that it thinks your home is safe and can bring the prey back. When a rat, a sparrow, and other corpses that are still warm appear in front of them, I believe that many girls who keep cats will lose their color on the spot, and the cat dads don’t think their faces will be much better, but the cat never intends to deliberately disgust the owner. , by doing so, to show their love.

Why do cats grab things and give them to their owners?
cat hunting

1. Cats hunt by nature

From the ancient cat, the ancestor of cats 60 million years ago, to the current lion, tiger, and domestic cat, cats have always adhered to the line of carnivory. Run faster, walk lighter, bite more deadly, and the digestive system has always only recognized meat. It is entirely in the nature of cats to hunt, whether they are full or not. Cats sometimes jump out of corners to hug people’s ankles, chasing hairy things that move, and staring at birds out of the window for hours.

2. Prove that cats love you

When the cat brings its prey home and puts it in front of you, it is actually a proof of its deep affection for you, because this is the cat showing its hunting ability and sharing its victory with you. At the same time, when the cat brings the prey home, it also shows that it thinks the home is very safe and can safely use the home as its own nest. In the wild, the most important thing for animals is probably food. Fighting for food is not an exaggeration, and sharing food is the best manifestation of a friendly attitude. Think of the mother cat bringing food back to the kitten, how sweet it is.

3. This behavior needs to be corrected

Although cats bring their prey home to express their love for you, this is not good for cats or people. Cats may unfortunately catch a mouse that has eaten rat poison, and people may be startled. Besides, small animals outside may also carry parasites or harmful bacteria. So, you have to think of ways to stop the cat from doing this. It is not advisable to throw away the trophy that the cat offered. The cat will think that you don’t like its prey, and it is likely to catch a bigger one next time, or it will be caught alive, so when throwing It has to be thrown far away with the cat on its back. A small bell around the cat’s neck can be very effective so it can’t catch its prey. In addition, playing with the cat often and giving it a few furry mouse-like objects will help it to vent its strong energy and enjoy the thrill of hunting. Having two cats makes them very problem-solving too. Finally, if you don’t want to bother, just close the door and don’t let the cat out (but remember to play with it often).