Why are spotted dogs banned? Let me tell you.

At present, we have not found that their side of the spotted dog is less and less people, in fact, for the spotted dog is also often spoken of Dalmatian, this type of dog belongs to large dogs and so on, when you are in the breeding period, you will find that its destructive ability is relatively strong, although some people are more like, but, in the process of feeding will still be more dangerous some, then, spotted dog why prohibited to keep? Let me tell you about it.

1, the spotted dog why banned?

We should all know that the spotted dog is not only tall and long, there is its whole body muscle development is also relatively hungry and robust, we can find that it is faster when running up, itself in the hind limbs of this piece, the development is relatively good, therefore, in the process of running, the hind limb strength will be larger, in many cases, it also prefer to pounce directly on people, in for this We can find that its bestiality is still relatively strong, and, it also has a strong tearing force, not only to tear some objects, in the safety of people will also cause a certain impact, we can find, in fact, its risk factor is relatively high, not only in our country, in many other countries is also listed as a spotted dog within the scope of the ban.

2, spotted dog is good to raise?

The spotted dog is still relatively difficult to raise, the spotted dog itself is still a relatively naughty type, when you are in the breeding period, of course, still need to take into account its problems in this area of exercise, but when you are in the city to raise, there are generally no larger places for it to exercise, followed by the diet, the spotted dog in the nutritional needs of this piece or In many cases, we also take into account the destructive ability of the spotted dog, when there is not much time to accompany the situation, in fact, it is recommended that you do not try to breed the spotted dog, when you are not at home, the spotted dog may be home for large-scale destruction, spotted dog Why is banned, is not already have some sense.

Why is the spotted dog banned? In fact, the main consideration for its ban is the safety of people, for this still needs to get everyone’s attention, we can also be more understanding of this piece.