Who can use hamster pet medicine

Many human medicines are tested on animals before they are used, so some human medicines are universal for humans and animals. What we need to pay attention to is to control the dosage of pet drugs. After all, the quality of hamsters is very different from ours.

  1. Banlangen: The main function of Banlangen is to treat colds, anger and other related problems. The price is also relatively cheap, and it is also more convenient to buy. Basically, you can buy it in pharmacies. The dosage should not be too much. Generally, the amount of 1/4-1/3 pack is about the same, and it is fed 2-3 times a day.
  2. Mommy’s Love: It is mainly aimed at hamsters’ soft stools, diarrhea, and problems, and at the same time can regulate the hamster’s stomach. Usually feeding 1/3-1/2 pack, feeding with a syringe is more convenient, and can reduce waste.
  3. Yunnan Baiyao: Yunnan Baiyao can be bought in general pharmacies, and the price is also very cheap. Usually raising hamsters may encounter injury problems, and the wounds need to be treated, which can be solved by using Yunnan Baiyao.
  4. Glucose: The hamster may be unwilling to eat when he is not feeling well, but if he does not eat, the hamster’s body will definitely get worse and worse. Glucose can provide energy for hamsters and strengthen their physique. Syringe can be used to feed hamsters after brewing.
  5. Physiological saline: Physiological saline has many uses, cleaning wounds is the main one, in addition to diluting iodine, it can also be taken orally to improve heat stroke in summer.