What to do when a cat holds a grudge

I believe that many shit shoveling officers who raise cats will have such an understanding that cats will hold grudges. Because of some of the cat’s faults, the owner is likely to punish it on the spot, but the cat may retaliate after a period of time. Such a naughty character made the owner a headache. So what should we do when we encounter a cat holding revenge? The following editors from will make an arrangement based on the experience of many netizens.

How to do cat revenge

In fact, the cat’s revenge is largely due to the wrong way of punishment by the owner, and the way of using force to punish the cat. Not only does this approach fail to punish the cat, it can also be counterproductive. Cat education should focus on the combination of rewards and punishments. For example, a cat doesn’t like to take a bath, but every time after bathing it, give it a reward with food, and then cooperate with gentle stroking. After a long time, it will understand that bathing = delicious food + massage, so it will gradually stop. No longer so resistant to taking a bath.

If the cat does something wrong, remember not to use force rudely. Instead, some other methods can be used, such as the water spray method recommended by netizens. Cats hate getting wet. Buy a small watering can, fill it with water, and when it does something wrong, just spray it in the face twice and it will run away. The more times it is educated, it will understand that doing wrong = being sprayed by water, so it will reduce mistakes. At the same time, we can also yell at cats, because cats also hate loud noises.

Of course, we also need to pay attention to improving our relationship with cats. You can usually play with the cat with a cat stick, etc., and don’t do things that force the cat. For example, if the cat doesn’t like being picked up, but you still insist on hugging, the cat will of course be unhappy. Try to stroke it, from head to back, without touching the tail and stomach. If he’s willing to be touched, start building affection with the touch. Occasionally give it something to eat as a reward. In addition, it is necessary to sterilize the cat. It is normal for cats in estrus to become very irritable. After neutering, cats will be much gentler and easier to get along with.

In any case, the development of a cat’s character is more or less related to its owner. Therefore, when educating cats at ordinary times, pay attention to the method. Although there is no scientific judgment on whether cats will hold grudges at present, our owners can improve their relationship with cats step by step by doing well in normal times, and cats will no longer hold grudges against you.