What should I pay attention to when raising a Chinchilla kitten?

Parents feel okay when they encounter the problem of raising a cat, but if you are allowed to raise a Chinchilla kitten, it can be a bit overwhelming, because the raising of Chinchilla kittens should be very, very careful, each stage needs to be supplemented, and the things that need to be eaten are also different, so what should we all pay attention to?

When a Chinchilla kitten is 2-3 months old, it can start to eat solid food, but it has just been weaned, and it should be noted that the stomach and intestines of kittens are not yet fully developed, so it needs more attention in feeding. Many Chinchilla kittens have lactose intolerance, feeding milk is easy to indigestion, diarrhea, vomiting and other uncomfortable symptoms, so to take is meow want to goat milk powder, palatability is better, generally kittens are not rejected, which contains nutrients, can enhance immunity, even if the adult cat drink, is also a daily nutritional supplements.

The feeding of Chinchilla kittens also requires the attention of cat parents, as the two-month-old cat is not yet suitable for dry cat food. And dry cat food is easy to expand, easy to dry, less water, if you do not pay attention to the salt content of the cat food, the consequences will seriously affect the cat’s growth and development, and even hair loss, growth, intestinal diseases and other problems. Therefore, if parents do not feed reasonable, it is easy to make the gastrointestinal and physical problems of Chinchilla kittens. Two-month-old kittens are best to eat liquid food, such as millet porridge, fish porridge, etc.

During the growth stage, parents can also prepare some vitamins and some nutrients needed for the growth of the Chinchilla kitten, which can make the cat strengthen its resistance and grow healthily.