What kind of tropical fish should a novice choose?

There are many young people who want to raise fish on a whim. They will give priority to tropical fish, because the color is brighter and they look better, but everyone knows that tropical fish are also more difficult to raise, and they must be kept in water temperature above 20 degrees. Survival and feeding will be a little more troublesome. So, what are the better breeds?

1. Guppies (details): Multicolored peacocks, black peacocks, white peacocks, etc. are the easiest tropical fish to raise. The water quality requirements are not strict. The water temperature can be between 18°C ​​and 26°C. All tropical fish can eat bait. it.

2.: Kiss mouth fish. It is easy to breed and breed, and the water temperature can be between 20 °C and 26 °C; the feed can be fed with red worms, nematodes, water worms, dried worms, plant-based feeds and artificial feeds. The fish will kiss after 3 months. Attention should be paid.

3. Zebrafish. It is named after the zebra galloping on the African savannah. Generally, the water temperature is between 23 °C and 25 °C. It is the best kind of tropical fish. It does not require special care and has few pests and diseases.

4. Red swordtail fish. Strong adaptability, the water temperature is 20 ℃ to 25 ℃, and it can be used in weakly acidic, neutral and weakly alkaline water. Swordtail is an omnivorous fish, and all tropical fish can eat bait.

5. Traffic light fish. It is easy to raise, but difficult to reproduce. The water temperature should be controlled at 22°C to 25°C. It can be used in weakly acidic, neutral and weakly alkaline water. The feed should be mainly red worms and nematodes.

6. Blood Parrot (details): This is a yin and yang fish. Like the so-called ligers and mules, it does not have the ability to reproduce the next generation. Due to its flaming appearance, bright red color and elegant posture, it quickly became a popular feng shui fish species.

The tropical fish introduced above are relatively easy to raise for beginners, and the survival rate is relatively high compared to other types of fish, so beginners who want to raise can give priority to the above species.