What if the rabbit never comes into heat?

Generally speaking, rabbits are more likely to come into heat, if they have been raised for a long time, there has been no movement of heat how to do? Is there something wrong with this? Should I give treatment?

What if the rabbit does not come into heat all the time?
What if a rabbit does not come into heat?

If a rabbit does not come into heat, it is possible that the female rabbit is too fat or too thin. In this case, you should pay attention to the amount of food the female rabbit eats during feeding management. It is also possible that the female rabbit lacks light and green feed in winter, and that the feed lacks vitamin A. When it is warm in winter, we should increase the amount of exercise for the female rabbit, sunbathe outdoors to stimulate the pituitary gland to secrete hormones and promote metabolism. Or there may be physiological or disease causes. Vaginal deformities, narrow fallopian tubes, and stillbirths in the uterus can cause female rabbits not to come into heat. These rabbits should be culled in time.

First of all, only sexually mature rabbits will come into heat. When rabbits become sexually mature is related to age, breeding, size and species, etc. Generally, rabbits can come into heat after 3 months of breeding, but there are some that come into heat only in May or June. Generally male and female rabbits have the highest libido and most frequent estrus in the spring (February to April) and autumn (September to November) seasons. Rabbit GG estrus period. The rabbit GG is generally a typical sex fiend, basically in heat all year round, anytime, anywhere, but generally if the male rabbit is kept alone because there is no object will reduce the number of times in heat. Rabbit MM estrus period. The rabbit MM estrus cycle is not fixed, usually 8 to 15 days (weak-strong-weak) and lasts from 3 to 30 days. There are also cases of female rabbits in estrus for six months or longer.

The actual fact is that if the rabbit is not in heat, it is possible to get the vet to prescribe the rabbit with a little bit of aphrodisiac medication, and generally speaking it will be in heat soon.