What if rabbits get excited at night?

Many parents who have rabbits at home have a headache, that is, rabbits are particularly excited at night, jumping around everywhere, especially if you rent a house outside of work, maybe rabbits and people in a single room, so it will very much affect the sleep of parents.

Rabbits are diurnal and nocturnal species. They lie down in their cages during the day and jump and run around at night, feeding and drinking constantly. Therefore, you should make sure that you feed and water your rabbits, preferably once more in the evening, and feed them regularly. Also, rabbits can get depressed, so they must be put out to play for 1-2 hours a day. If you can’t be there often, you may want to give your rabbit some toys that will ease its mood and pass the time of boredom. This will also reduce the probability of the rabbit crackling and moving around at night.

House rabbits are small animals that like to be dry and are afraid of moisture. It should be placed in a dry place. When the weather is good, you may want to take it to the balcony to sunbathe, not at noon, it will get heatstroke. Do not spend too much time in the sun, it is best to have a little shade to strengthen their bones. Rabbits also have a certain degree of cold tolerance, but are afraid of heat. Be sure to feed them more water in the summer and put them in a ventilated place. In the case of unweaned rabbits, with enough mother’s milk, you can slowly introduce some alfalfa grass, timothy grass and rabbit food after 20 days. If the milk rabbit does not have mother’s milk to feed, you can buy kitten milk substitute and feed it, once a day, you can add the right amount of lactobacillus.

Finally, rabbits should be fed in moderation, remember not to overfeed them, otherwise they may die of bloating if serious. It is best to do a good job of feeding your rabbit at regular intervals.