What causes tropical fish to lose their scales?

For those who have raised tropical fish at home, some of them should have found that the scales of tropical fish have fallen off, especially when there is a large area of ​​scale loss, it is necessary to analyze the cause and whether there is a disease-caused scale loss.

There are many reasons for tropical fish to lose their scales. Due to careless operation, when fishing for tropical fish or pumping dirt, the instrument collides with the fish body and causes the scales to fall off. Or the scales are damaged when the tropical fish hit the tank after being frightened. The feeding method is incorrect when feeding the fish, causing the fish to snatch too much food and also cause the scales to fall off. Or be bitten by other fish and lose scales, which should be paid special attention to when the dragon fish is mixed. But the most important thing is because of diseases, such as saprolegnia, vertical scale disease, scabies, external parasites, etc.

Most tropical fish scales do not regenerate after they fall off. Scale loss is a serious problem. Tropical fish lose their scales mostly because they have some serious disease, and the cure rate of fish disease is relatively low. After the scales are removed, first determine whether the water quality is normal. If the water quality is not good, it must be disinfected. You can use UV lamps to eliminate harmful bacteria in the water, and then cooperate with the use of nitrifying bacteria to allow beneficial bacteria to dominate the population. Then oral antibiotics, commonly used compound sulfamethazine, enrofloxacin and so on. The main reason is because of diseases, such as saprolegnia, vertical scale disease, scabies, external parasites, etc. You can bathe with 1% salt water.

However, fish also have a certain ability to regenerate. Fish scales can be regenerated after falling off, but regeneration takes a certain amount of time. After regeneration, the arrangement of fish scales will not be very neat, and the size will be inconsistent. We still have to prevent diseases before fish, rather than treat them after problems.