What brand of cat dewormer is good? Share your own experience!

In summer, when the temperature is high, all kinds of parasites are active, and cats will be infected if they are not careful. For their health, shoveling officers especially need to strengthen the deworming work of cats. So how often does cat deworming take, what precautions should be taken for cat deworming, and what brand of cat deworming medicine is good? Let’s talk to you in detail below~

1. Do domestic cats need to be dewormed?

Many shit shoveling officials feel that their cats stay at home every day, they are clean, and there will be no parasites at all. Deworming cats is superfluous. I don’t agree with this view. Although the cat does not need to go out, the cat owner needs to go out. The owner’s shoes, trouser legs and other clothes are likely to bring parasite eggs home. When the cat is in close contact with the owner, there is a risk of infection. Therefore, domestic cats also need to be dewormed.

How often should cats be dewormed?

The growth cycle of parasites is very short. Most of the parasites have a growth cycle of less than one month. For example, the common fleas and ear mites in cats, as well as hookworms and tapeworms in the body, the shortest growth cycle is only 14 days. The efficacy of cat deworming drugs generally lasts for about 1 month, so the most scientific deworming frequency is once a month to prevent problems before they occur.

3. What brand of cat deworming medicine is good?

What brand of cat deworming medicine is good? It is recommended to screen from 3 dimensions.

1. Whether the deworming spectrum is complete, and whether common parasites such as fleas, ticks, ear mites, roundworms, tapeworms, and hookworms are included. The more types of deworming, the lower the risk of cats being infected with parasites.

2. All cat deworming medicines are toxic to a certain extent. For the sake of cats’ health, you must choose a safe and reliable big brand.

3. Is the deworming method simple? Some cat deworming drugs need to be fed. It is too difficult for a novice to operate. It is recommended to choose drops. Just drop the drug on the skin of the cat’s shoulder and neck. Simple and effective medication!

Combining the above 3 points, among all the cat deworming medicines I have used, I think Bolaen is more worthy of recommendation! Blein and the famous Flein belong to the same company. The in vitro drops are easy to use and the safe dose is 15 times higher. It can be used by cats over 7 weeks old and weighing over 0.6KG, and it has two different types. Specifications, as long as the medicine is administered according to the weight of the cat, it will not cause a burden on the cat’s body, and it is very safe! It can expel and kill ticks, fleas, flea eggs, larvae and flea pupae in vitro, prevent ear itching mites, cat scabies, and lice; in vivo, it can expel and kill roundworms, hookworms, tapeworms, prevent heartworm, treat lungworm, bladder nematodes. This is the cat deworming medicine with the most complete insect spectrum among the current mainstream deworming products. Novices or shovelers who pursue safety can try this!

4. What are the precautions for cat deworming?

If it is used drops, it is not recommended to take a bath within 3 days after deworming. If it is an oral deworming drug in the body, it is not recommended to immunize the cat within 5 days after deworming. In addition, it is not recommended to perform sterilization or other operations and long-distance transportation after deworming, whether in vivo or in vitro. It is not recommended to change the diet of cats after deworming, so as to avoid stress and illness due to changes.

After reading this, what brand of cat dewormer is good? Did you get it? In short, no matter which medicine is not used, you must deworm your cat regularly!