What are the stubborn diseases of Rex Rabbit

Disease is often the main reason for the death of rabbits. It can be said that there are not many rabbits who really die. Most rabbits die because of diseases and other accidents. Therefore, it is very important to do a good job of disease prevention in order to make Rex rabbits live longer.

  1. Rabbit plague

Rabbit plague can be said to be the number one killer of Rex rabbits, and it also has the characteristics of early age, atypia and sporadic type. The age of onset shows a diversified trend, especially in the newly weaned rabbits, the earliest is about 40 days old. The clinical symptoms and anatomical features are not completely consistent with the typical rabbit plague, and its main features are depression, loss of appetite, progressive death, and limp. Necropsy features showed thymus hemorrhage, others such as lung and tracheal hemorrhage, liver degeneration, kidney hemorrhage, jelly-like mucus in the rectum, and pale yellow mucus in the anus. In addition, Rabbit plague is rarely widespread, and is mostly sporadic and localized. The disease can only be prevented, and in the management, as long as the vaccine is injected on time and in sufficient quantities according to the immunization program, it can be effectively controlled.

Rabbits were immunized for the first time from 35 days to 40 days, with 2 ml subcutaneously injected into each rabbit, and boosted immunization once after 20 days. Inject 3 times a year thereafter. The effect of single vaccine injection is the best, and the combined vaccine has a certain influence on the immunity of rabbit plague. After rabbit plague occurs, there are the following three treatment routes: injection of hyperimmune serum, which has the fastest effect and the best effect, but the cost is relatively high, and the supply may be scarce; injection of interferon, which interferes with the replication of rabbit plague virus, is effective in the early stage of the disease, But the vaccine still needs to be injected after the epidemic; the rabbit plague vaccine is urgently injected, 2-3 ml per animal, and the disease is gradually controlled after 3 days, and a strong immunity is generated after 7 days.

The scabies

Rabbit scabies, also known as rabbit mite disease, is an ectoparasitic disease caused by scabies mites or pruritus mites parasitic on the surface of rabbits. Wide range of invasion, high incidence, cross-infection, more difficult to control. The disease is highly contagious. If the treatment is not timely, the sick rabbits may die due to gradual weight loss, which is very harmful. Prevention and treatment methods: Do not buy sick rabbits with ear mites and scabies, and do not breed scabies diseased rabbits. Keep the cage dry and sterilize the rabbit cage with a flame frequently. Dip the rabbit’s hoof once every quarter with 5% dicofol and 2% trichlorfon aqueous solution. When scabies occur, apply 5%-10% dicofol oil solvent and aqueous solution to the rabbit in time, and repeat it once after 7 days. At the same time, spray the rabbit cage and field with 5% aqueous solution, and burn the bedding dirt. Rabbit ringworm should be smeared on the affected area once, and the medication can be repeated once after 7 days in severe cases, and then take abamectin orally, 0.1 g per kilogram of body weight, and repeat the medication once every 7-10 days.

What are the stubborn diseases of Rex Rabbit
Rabbit environmental hygiene is very important

  1. Foot dermatitis

Rabbit foot dermatitis is common and frequent, although it is not fatal, it affects the quality of rabbit fur. Sick rabbits are reluctant to move, lose appetite, lose weight, frequently exchange their limbs to support the body, and sometimes lie on their backs in cages. When examining the soles of the rabbit’s feet, hair loss, erythema, and purulence appeared. Strengthen the feeding management, clean the bottom of the cage thoroughly, spray and disinfect with 0.3% peracetic acid regularly, and do not have protrusions and sharp objects on the bottom of the cage. Immunization injection of staphylococcus vaccine, 2 ml per rabbit, immunized twice a year. During treatment, repeat wrapping around the lesion with adhesive plaster, and then press lightly with your hand. Compact the overlapping adhesive plaster, and it will heal on its own in 20-30 days. The affected area is sheared and disinfected to remove necrotic tissue. After cleaning with 3% peracetic acid, apply sulfadiazine, oxytetracycline ointment, etc. When the ulcer begins to heal, apply 5% gentian violet solution once a day; Bandage with sterile gauze for external use, and at the same time inject 100,000 units of penicillin and streptomycin, once a day in the morning and evening, until recovery; serious cases are eliminated immediately.

  1. Infectious rhinitis

Infectious rhinitis in Rex rabbits is the result of the joint action of a variety of pathogenic bacteria, mainly Pasteurella and Bordetella, and is one of the main infectious diseases of Rex rabbits. The disease has high incidence, strong infectivity, four seasons, large and small rabbits are susceptible, vaccines have little effect, drug control is difficult, the cure rate is low, the recurrence rate is high, the duration of the disease is long, and it is easy to deteriorate and be secondary to other diseases. . It is one of the most stubborn diseases when the drug is effective, but it recurs when the drug is stopped.