What are the rules of rabbit disease

It is impossible for any animal to get sick for no reason. In most cases, it is stimulated by the external environment, infected by other animals, or caused by some other related factors. Certain diseases also have certain regularity, such as being affected by seasons and so on. Knowing these rules is very helpful for us to prevent rabbit disease.

Knowing and mastering the rules of occurrence of rabbit diseases is helpful for the prevention and control work, especially being able to take the initiative to do a good job in prevention work. The occurrence of rabbit diseases is affected by many factors, such as age, gender, season and the introduction of other animal diseases. Etc., breeders should master these laws, be aware of them, and have a definite purpose.

The relationship with age

The difference in age is mainly manifested in the difference between multiple and frequent diseases. Young rabbits, especially those who have just weaned, are prone to gastrointestinal diseases due to the incomplete development of the digestive system and the imperfect defense barrier function. And for many infectious diseases, the mortality rate of young rabbits is relatively high, so the juvenile stage of rabbits is a very important period. As for aging rabbits, it is due to the decline of metabolic function and immune function, the decline of physique, the high incidence of disease, and the weak disease resistance. For the elderly rabbits, we can only do our best to do their diet, care, and hygiene to prevent disease.

The relationship with gender

The disease of female rabbits is relatively more than that of male rabbits. Because female rabbits have to breed young rabbits, obstetric diseases account for a certain proportion, such as abortion and mastitis. Moreover, breeding also has a certain burden for female rabbits, and breeding too frequently has a certain impact.

What are the rules of rabbit disease
Isolate sick rabbits first

The relationship with seasons

In different seasons, the types of frequently-occurring diseases, common diseases and incidence rates of rabbits are also different. For example, the temperature drops significantly from January to March, and the reproduction of various infectious agents (flies, ants, etc.) and pathogens is restricted to a certain extent, and the incidence is relatively low. However, due to the cold weather, it is easy to cause colds and pneumonia (with high spread). The outbreak of infectious diseases in this period is also rare. April to June is the breeding season for rabbits, and the incidence rate is relatively high. July to September is the hot summer. During the season, the activities of various pathogenic microorganisms are rampant, and the feed is easily spoiled, and it is easy to cause heat stroke, poisoning and various gastroenteritis and other diseases. From October to December, good feeding and management and strengthening of cold protection and heat preservation work, the incidence rate has dropped significantly, which is a good season for breeding rabbits.

  1. Relationship with other animal diseases

Many diseases are not only spread among the same animals, even different types of animals can also spread and infect each other. For example, pasteurellosis in chickens can be transmitted to rabbits, and toxoplasmosis can be transmitted from cats to rabbits. When an epidemic occurs, effective measures to prevent and eradicate infectious diseases should be taken in a timely manner.

After understanding these problems, the main thing to do is to try to avoid the factors that are easy to cause the rabbit to get sick. In fact, as long as you pay attention to a good diet and pay attention to environmental hygiene, the probability of rabbits getting sick is relatively small. It is best to prepare an isolation area. If a rabbit is found to be sick, it is best to separate it from other rabbits to avoid poor infection and cause more rabbits to become sick.