What about dog diarrhea? You can do this!

Before raising a dog I did my homework, after all, I have not raised before, and now I am also suggesting that you want to raise a dog friends, before raising a dog must first learn to raise a dog knowledge, do not have a brain fever, think that raising a dog will give it food and drink can be. Many pet owners in the process of raising a dog will encounter puppy diarrhea, so how do puppy diarrhea? What medication to take? General puppy diarrhea how to do to see why the dog will be diarrhea, I am going to talk to the new pooper scooper today about how to do dog diarrhea, to help all new pooper scoopers completely solve for dog diarrhea how to do a variety of questions.

How do you do when your puppy has diarrhea? We need to first analyze the reasons for puppy diarrhea. The reason for puppy diarrhea is mainly gastritis, eating bad stomach, cold and infected parasites and several other reasons, the reason to know it, the next is to formally solve the problem of how to do puppy diarrhea!

If your dog is suffering from diarrhea caused by eating the wrong food or getting cold, there is no need to panic, just pay attention to keeping your dog warm and don’t give your dog food to eat. If it is because of gastritis and diarrhea, then you can feed your dog some probiotics to adjust, if you are not sure, you can go to a professional veterinary hospital to see, the vet will give professional advice on how to do diarrhea in puppies.

If you find that your puppy has diarrhea, vomiting and diarrhea, loss of appetite, poor energy and other conditions, and defecation with some abnormal conditions, you must seek medical attention in a timely manner.

My dog was not eating much at first, and then began to vomit, green, because I have been very careful to deworm the dog, so I did not think it was infected with parasites, first gave it some probiotics and did not help, and the previous diarrhea is not quite the same. I had no choice but to carry it to the hospital for examination, after the examination the doctor told me that it was infected with dog roundworms, and said that although I insisted on deworming the dog, but the drug was not used right, which made me very speechless …… he recommended that I change the dog’s medicine to canine heart protection try, and said that this drug can prevent heartworm, dog heartworm is very terrible This parasite has a very high mortality rate. I went home and gave my dog the heartworm medicine and he recovered within a day, I didn’t expect it to work so fast, and I saw that the medicine was made from real beef, no wonder the dog liked it so much! I later changed the in vitro deworming medication to Follistim, which is produced by the same manufacturer as Canine Heart, and it is also very effective and has no irritating effects on the dog at all.

The above content about the puppy diarrhea how to do hope to help the pet owners, jerking the dog happy, encounter the puppy diarrhea situation also need not be nervous, the puppy diarrhea how to find the cause of the dog diarrhea and then treatment. The actual fact is that you will be able to find out the reason for your dog’s diarrhea and also the reason for your dog’s diarrhea. The dog owners must pay attention to all the details of the dog raising process, do not let the dog suffer because of their negligence.