Timing of training choices for American Shorthairs is important

As a domestic pet, you should start training from an early age, otherwise when you get older, you will develop many bad habits that are difficult to correct. Domestic pet cats must undergo strict training by their owners, and American shorthair cats should also do the same, such as training to defecate in a fixed place, eat and drink in a fixed place, or correct some bad habits and so on. So when is the best age to train an American Shorthair cat?

Generally speaking, the best age for training American Shorthair cats is after the cat’s body is fully developed, that is, when the cat is 2-3 months old, you can start training the cat. At this time, cats are more obedient and have stronger learning ability. In daily training, the timing of training American shorthair cats should be before feeding, because the food prepared by training is tempting to fasting American shorthair cats, and hungry cats are more willing to be close to people and will be very obedient. When the owner is training, it is easier to master and control the American Shorthair cat, and the cat is easier to complete the training action under the lure of food.

When training American shorthair cats, the owner needs a very patient attitude. After all, cats can’t understand human words, so don’t be too impatient. Various training methods can be combined to achieve better training results. Moreover, the training of pet cats should not be rushed. The owner’s training should be gradual. Every time, the cat should be allowed to completely master one action for consolidation, and then proceed to the training of the next action. At the same time, the place where cats are trained should be quiet, and the American Shorthair cat should not be affected by other things during training, thereby affecting the effect of training.

In order to have an obedient and docile American Shorthair cat, after training the owner, he can worry less. So be sure to start training from a young age.