Teddy four months how to train

The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of how to train when Teddy is four months old. It is believed that many friends are worried about the problem, after all, only from the beginning of training to develop good habits, know their own fixed point to go to the toilet, eat and sleep, so that pet owners more worry. The following is a list of training methods to share with you about how to train Teddy for four months, take a look.

  1. the best time to train

Teddy four months how to train? Generally speaking, when the dog is three months to four months, is the best time to train the dog, so four months to carry out training is officially the most appropriate time. The education at this time will affect the future character of the dog, to develop a lifetime of habits, this period requires special attention to the pet owner, spend more time to education, in order to save effort later.

  1. Training places and reward and punishment system

No matter what training you start, the beginning is to develop the dog’s conditioned reflexes, so the training place to choose a quiet, undisturbed place. When the dog’s conditioned reflexes gradually complex, you can take it to a different environment for training. In the training of dogs to master different skills, must be done in a rewarding and punishing way, if the dog obedient to reward food and toys, if it is lazy and disobedient, we must reprimand its behavior.

  1. food stimulation methods

Training Teddy can use food stimulation method, this method works very well for dogs, mainly as a means of induction to make the dog more active with the training, in addition this method can also be used as a method of encouragement, whenever the dog according to the master’s request to complete the action, you can give it favorite food as a reward. Sometimes, after the dog has completed training for a long time, in order to relieve its nervous nerves, you can also feed food to soothe.

  1. mechanical stimulation method

Can use mechanical stimulation method to train Teddy, mainly through the dog leash to force the dog to make certain responses, for example, when taking the dog out for a walk, if you find the dog looking around, want to run around, in order to control the dog can be pulled by the dog leash way to make it good not to run around. In addition, this method can also help the owner to stop the dog’s bad behavior in time, such as picking up things to eat anywhere, or flying at passers-by behavior.

The above is the method on how to train Teddy four months, you have learned? In the process of training Teddy, you can train through the above methods, after a long time will achieve the desired effect.