Teddy dog how old to start training

Teddy is a lively and enthusiastic dog breed, loved by people, and now many people have teddy dogs at home. For pet owners, the most fearful thing when raising a teddy is that the dog is very mischievous, and every time they come home, it seems to be dismantled, so people are very headstrong. In fact, as long as the teddy dog receives the right training from a young age, it will be very obedient and well-behaved when it grows up. Many friends do not know much about how to start training for Teddy dogs, the following and you will be introduced to learn more about it.

  1. how old to start training

How old is the Teddy dog to start training? Teddy dog training is not the earlier you start the better, because too young age to start training is easy to make Teddy dog injury, and too young, poor learning ability, the training effect is not ideal. Generally speaking, the Teddy puppy below three months is not suitable for training, only to three months to four months later, is the best period for training, this time the Teddy dog has developed stronger, but also almost finished vaccination, for the home environment is more familiar, you can start training.

  1. Familiar with the environment and name

When you just bring home a teddy dog, do not rush to train immediately, because this time the dog is not familiar with the environment, still in a state of tension, should be placed in a quiet place at home, let it rest well, while gradually familiar with the home environment, this period is about a week. This time the owner can also give the Teddy dog a name, the name is best simple and easy to remember, and then constantly call this name, to facilitate the Teddy dog familiar with their name, when the completion of this step, you can start training.

  1. Teddy urine and stool training

Teddy’s urine and stool training is very important, before starting training, you need to prepare a quiet and spacious place in the house as a fixed toilet, and at the same time lay a newspaper here, it is best to stain the newspaper with a little dog urine, and then after Teddy has eaten or just woke up, you can smell and smell the smell to the toilet poo to go to the toilet. If you find that Teddy is not going to the toilet in the prescribed place, then you should give a reprimand and tell him where to poo.

The above is about how old the Teddy dog began training content introduction, training Teddy need to maintain good patience, persistent training, to be able to train a well-behaved dog.