Take stock of the clean and well kept small pets, any of your favorite?

Nowadays, many people are very fond of pets, looking at other families out for a walk every day with their own dog is also very envious, but their own home area is limited, there is no way to raise such a dog, and every day with the dog out of defecation is also some trouble, so they hope to find some clean and well kept small pets, such pets naturally exist, so what exactly are clean and well kept The following is a list of pets that are clean and easy to keep. Here we will take a look at the inventory for you, come and see if there is one you like it?

Pet rabbit

In addition to cats and dogs, pet rabbits are also a very popular small pets, its size is very small, so it does not need to occupy too much space, as well as a small cage can be its home, and pet rabbits are very quiet, usually at home is very silent, will not create too much noise to your life, but silently accompany you, its furry body open Up is also very cute, so many young girls love it, so if you want to recommend a clean and well-kept small pets, I first thought of it is it.

Little hamster

Hamster is also a very good small pets, the size of this pet is not large, some only a palm so big, so put a small mat on their desks can feed it, and the amount of food is also very small, a month down will not generate much expenditure, the price of small hamster itself is not high, so even if the children are still studying can afford to raise oh. If you like clean small pets, you will not regret choosing it. Look at it quietly stay by your side, the whole heart can be sprung.


Goldfish as a very strong ornamental pets, in fact, is also very good to live. If your home area is relatively large, you can buy a special landscape fish tank to feed them, if the area is not large, buy a small tank can also meet the needs of feeding, so it is very simple, and goldfish feed can be purchased everywhere, usually do not need to spend too much time to take care of it, is a very small pet, these clean and well kept small The pet, I wonder if you like it?