Silver Fox why few people breed

Silver Fox (details) why few people breed

The silver fox dog as a very good-looking dog, there are now many people breeding this breed of dog, but if you pay attention to the side of the dog friends, you will find that in fact, the silver fox dog is still very few people, then the silver fox dog why few people raise it? In fact, each pet dog has its own advantages and disadvantages, the reason for not raising it is probably because of these shortcomings, the following to learn about it.

  1. very love to bark

The silver fox dog why few people raise? In fact, now many people do not love to keep silver fox dog, a big reason is that this dog is very barking, which is undoubtedly a very annoying problem, after all, if the dog is very barking, then it will undoubtedly affect the residents around, and will also disturb the normal sleep of the owner, especially in large cities, this is to avoid, otherwise it will cause a more serious nuisance, it is easy to cause complaints, so this This is also the reason why many people don’t like to keep silver foxes.

  1. Hair loss is difficult to take care of

In addition, although the silver fox dog’s hair is very beautiful, many people have a silver fox dog because of its hair looks good reason, but this dense hair actually has its own trouble, that is, the silver fox dog hair loss is relatively strong, as long as a change of season, often the degree of hair loss is still a headache, and usually the silver fox dog hair care is also relatively troublesome, need to spend a lot of effort, so The people who are usually busy at work will not choose to keep this kind of pet dog.

  1. Very like to stick to people

Do not look at the silver fox dog is very elegant and noble, feel like not like close to people, in fact, this dog is very sticky, basically can be said to be the master where to go, it will follow where, although some times this feeling is still quite good, but for some usually busy owners, is undoubtedly very troublesome, because the silver fox dog is really a heel, no matter what you are doing are going to This feeling is still very headache, and the toilet will not let go, will always be in the bathroom to stare at you.

The above is about the silver fox dog why few people raise the content of the introduction, in fact, the silver fox dog this dog is still very cute good-looking, if you can tolerate these problems, raising the silver fox dog is also no problem.