Shovelers, do you know the heartworm?

Summer is coming, mosquitoes are beginning to run out! This is the time to pay attention to the pooper scooper! Don’t let your dog get infected with heartworm. Heartworm is a deadly parasite for dogs that can cause irreversible damage to the lung function, and in severe cases, can affect the heart, central nervous system, eyes, etc., and can even kill.

So what is heartworm?

Heartworm is a dog parasite that is avoided. It is a parasite that is transmitted by mosquitoes, and when they bite an animal infected with heartworm and then bite the dog, they will infect the heartworm, and they will evolve in the dog’s body, developing from larvae to adults until the end. Generally, heartworm larvae will then begin to enter the blood vessels. They will attack the lungs first, and then step by step to the heart, central nervous system, and eyes.

Are heartworm worms scary?

Most heartworms are actually parasitic in the pulmonary arteries, causing pulmonary hypertension, which further leads to arterial embolism, infarction, allergic pneumonia, and heart disease. When the heartworm infection is undetectable in the early stages, the symptoms become apparent later when the affected dog has reduced exercise tolerance, poor mental performance, poor appetite, occasional coughing, mild to moderate dilatation of the ventricles, pulmonary arteries and septal arteries on X-Ray films, and slight anemia on blood tests. If the disease continues to deteriorate, the animal may have a persistent cough, dyspnea, or even coughing up blood, the right atrium and right ventricle are enlarged and deformed, the small pulmonary arteries and pulmonary arteries are dilated, and the lung lobes are parenchymatous due to thrombosis. Vena cava syndrome is common in this stage of the disease, and hemoglobinuria and thrombocytopenia can be detected clinically. It is very difficult to cure at this time! Moreover, the heartworm removal surgery in China is still imperfect and the success rate is extremely low.

How can heartworm be prevented?

Heartworm prevention is the only thing we can do. Generally speaking, it takes about 5-6 months for heartworms to develop and mature in the body, so it is recommended that you deworm your dog once a month. The only heartworm prevention product on the market today is Canine Heartworm, which is given to dogs on a monthly basis to not only prevent heartworm disease, but also to get rid of general internal parasites.

It is very effective and can clear the parasites in 1 day, and the ingredients are so safe that even pregnant or nursing dogs can take it without any effect.

In addition to heartworm prevention, it also eliminates roundworms, hookworms, tapeworms, and other general parasites, and the efficacy of Canine Heartcare is always online. While the internal deworming is done, don’t forget that the external deworming should also be done on time, you can use Follistim and Nixon to deworm your dog internally and externally to make the deworming more thorough!

You can’t be lazy when it comes to deworming, or you’ll be in trouble if your dog has any health problems! For those who didn’t realize the seriousness of the problem, now is the time to get moving!