Is it okay to cut the hair on the ears of Persian cats?

The Persian cat (details) is a breed that has been popular since many years ago, because the hair is relatively long and the color selection is also more, solid, gradient, and spotted colors are more common. Because it is a long-haired cat, many parents worry that the Persian cat has a lot of hair on its ears that can easily breed bacteria, so they want to cut it off, is this okay?

If there is no abnormality in the ears of the Persian cat, the hair inside will be kept as much as possible and not cut out. Due to the large ear contour and the ear opening facing upward or outward, if there is no hair, some foreign objects such as water and insects can easily enter the ear canal and cause damage to the Persian cat’s ear canal. Moreover, a healthy Persian cat will have a lot of hair growing inside the ear, thus it can play a role in protecting the ear. Parents do not need to worry too much about this point.

If the Persian cat has abnormalities in the ear, such as infection with mites, otitis media, etc., the hair in the ear needs to be cut for the convenience of treatment, and the hair can still grow back after the ear problem is solved mainly by strengthening nutrition and topical medication. However, it should be noted that after cutting the hair in the ears of Persian cats for the treatment of in-ear diseases, care needs to be taken to protect the ears of Persian cats to avoid foreign objects entering the ear canal, which may cause bigger problems. The Persian cat’s ear hair is to protect its ears and prevent outside dust from entering the ear canal. It is true that you can cut it if you want to, but it is best not to do so, and usually more just clean the cat’s ears regularly.

But parents had better try not to cut the cat’s hair, especially on the ears, either originally may be for the good of the cat thing, and finally evolved into a more serious problem, so parents should be careful.