How to treat cat ear mites? A lot of people are doing it wrong!

Have you ever noticed that the owner of the house often scratches his ears with his hind legs and shakes his head. It’s a bit like the way we are hilarious when we dance. This is not a cat playing, it is very likely that a cat has ears. mite disease. So how do you treat cat ear mites? Take a look.

Cat ear mites are a common cat parasitic disease. It is not a difficult disease, and the treatment is not difficult. As long as everyone is willing to pay attention and spend time and energy to help the cat clean, apply medicine, and deworm the cat, the cat will soon recover. Get up, let’s share the process of my cat’s treatment of ear mites.

What are the symptoms of cat ear mites? How to judge?

The main symptoms of cat ear mites are: itching, odor, and dirt.

Cat ear mites – itching is manifested as: the cat scratches its ears or head with its hind feet, and is restless, and in severe cases, the ear canal is painful, and the owner refuses to check the ears.

The performance of cat ear mites-stinky is: close to the cat’s ears, you can smell a stench, and in severe cases, the stench will spread to the environment, which is very obvious and easy to detect.

The performance of cat ear mites-wax is: there is a large amount of red-brown earwax on the surface of the inner skin of the ear, and a strong stench is emitted.

How to treat cat ear mites?

Drugs: ear wash and ear mite medicine


1. You can wrap the cat with a blanket by yourself to prevent the cat from struggling and accidentally hurting people during the drug application process. Another person held the cat’s head and opened the cat’s ears to expose the external auditory canal.

2. Put an appropriate amount of earwash into the cat’s ear, gently rub the external ear canal for about a minute, let the earwash fully dissolve the earwax, and then let go, the cat will shake its head and shake out the dirt inside. Then use a clean paper towel to wipe off the residue of the cat’s outer ear.

Remarks: The first time you need to wash it several times, the dark brown secretions in the cat’s ears are completely washed away, and then the medicine is used.

3. Squeeze in the cat ear mite medicine, and gently massage the base of the cat’s ear, so that the medicine is evenly distributed in the cat’s ear canal, and you’re done.

Remarks: After cleaning treatment once a day, common cat ear mites can be cured in three to four weeks. It is recommended to go to the hospital for examination after recovery, and follow-up consolidation treatment to prevent recurrence.

3. How to prevent the recurrence of cat ear mites?

1. Deworm the cat on time. The growth cycle of parasites is relatively short, usually less than 1 month, so it is best to deworm the cat once a month, and it is also important to choose a broad-spectrum deworming medicine. The Bleuen used by my cat is a four-effect compound formula, which is the most complete deworming spectrum among the current mainstream deworming drugs. It can kill internal parasites such as roundworms, hookworms, tapeworms, prevent heartworms, and treat lungworms. , Bladder nematode, while killing ectoparasite ticks, fleas, flea eggs, larvae and flea pupae, preventing ear itching mites, cat scabies, lice.

2. Help cats clean their ears regularly. It is enough to clean the ears of healthy cats once or twice a month. Excessive cleaning can easily cause ear inflammation.

3. Let the cat bask in the sun. It is easy to breed bacteria in a dark and humid place. Ultraviolet rays have a good bactericidal effect.

4. Keep the cat’s living environment clean and hygienic, maintain good ventilation, and regularly use professional pet disinfectant for sterilization and disinfection.

Fourth, matters needing attention

1. Cat ear mites are highly contagious, and there are many pet families. If one pet is infected with ear mites, it is best for other pets to receive treatment at the same time and isolate them separately to prevent cross-infection.

2. The cat ear mite medicine has certain toxicity. It is best to wear a collar during the administration of the cat to prevent the cat from being poisoned by accidental licking.

The above is the sharing of experience in the treatment of cat ear mites. If there is anything you don’t understand, you can leave a message to me.