How to train if the beauty is too naughty?

When it comes to Meishou, many people are familiar with it. Meishou is the abbreviation of American Shorthair (details). Many people come here because of her chubby body and cute appearance, especially some children. We and girls really like kittens like Meishuang. Meishou has shown all their cute advantages when they are young. They can sprouted blood on our faces. Even when they grow up, they are very cute. , but the naughty shortness of the United States is also very amazing. Many shit shoveling officers feel a big head because the United States is too naughty, and they don’t know how to train if the United States is too naughty, so I will give you an inventory of the shit shoveling officers in this article. Let’s talk about how to train if you are too naughty.

1. Properly caged

Because they are very naughty, they often run around the house, they not only sometimes break our things, but also upset the owners and often disturb the owners to do other things The thing is, how do you train if the short beauty is too naughty? Then at this time, we can put them in the cage for a period of time every day. When we put them in the cage, remember not to lock them in the cage all day long, we only need to lock them in the cage for one day every day. To two hours is enough, because cats can’t be caged for too long.

2. Appropriate penalties and rewards

How to train if the beauty is too naughty? The too naughty beauty often do something wrong in life. For example, they are too naughty and damage the things in our house. At this time, we have to use our masters. Right, we must give them some criticism and punishment in a timely manner, and let them know that it is wrong to do so, but we can’t beat them too angrily, we’d better criticize them verbally. Of course, if the beautiful cats are very good, then we can also give them some snacks as a reward, and praise them in a pampering tone, and the praised cats will also be very happy.

Before reading this article, maybe you didn’t know how to train a naughty short beauty. I believe that after reading the above content, you all know how to properly treat your own naughty little beauty, right?