How to train a Gretel to stare at lights?

When we talk about Greyhounds, their definition is a hunting master, because we can often see in life that many people buy all the Greyhounds are used to take them hunting, the endurance and running speed of the Greyhound can be said to be very fast, they also look especially like the wind like a man, long and thin body and pointed skull, looks like a hunting master, although the Greyhound is a The following article, I’ll give you some tips on how to train a Greyhound to stare at lights.

  1. How to train a Greyhound to stare at lights

Most people who train their Greyhounds to keep an eye on the lights only do so at night when they are hunting. Before training them to keep an eye on the lights, we first need to make sure that they have learned to hunt during the day. If they already know how to chase prey and master hunting skills during the day, then we can train them to stare at the lights. This is a great success.

  1. What to pay attention to when training a GSD to stare at lights

We have said above how to train a Gretel to stare at the light such a problem, next I will take you to understand what to pay attention to when training a Gretel to stare at the light.

The most important thing is to make sure that you have a good understanding of how to train your dog to keep an eye on the lights.