How to train a cat to use cat litter? This method is very effective

Cats are notorious for being hygienic. Wherever they get dirty, they have to lick them clean. When I have time or not, I use my little hands to comb my hair, or wash my face. Love clean cats, people love them too. Cats also love to defecate, and they always go to inconspicuous places to quietly find sand or dust to defecate. Now in the city, high upstairs without sand, where to defecate? Cat litter is a good thing. How to train a cat to use cat litter? This method is very effective.
1. Prepare cat litter and a box

At home, it is necessary to prepare cat litter for cat defecation. This makes the home environment cleaner. Also prepare a small box, the box does not need to be too big, as long as it can accommodate the small body of the cat. This box is for cat litter.
2. Train cats to use cat litter
When kittens start to be convenient, most of the time they won’t be in a small box full of cat litter. They will smell everywhere and want to find a suitable place for convenience. At this time, the tail will also have a pretty movement. When the owner sees it, he understands that the kitten needs to be convenient, so he will hold the kitten in the cat litter and prevent the cat from running out. In this way, it is convenient to hold the cat in the cat litter several times, and the kitten will naturally understand the meaning of the owner. It should be noted that cats like to defecate in places with their own smell. When starting training, you can first pour the cat’s urine into the cat litter and stir it. When the cat smells its own odor, it will go to pee in the cat litter.
3. Choose dust-free cat litter
Some cats do not have particularly good airways, and too much dust can irritate it. If you buy cat litter with too much dust, cats will avoid it if they don’t like it. Therefore, when the owner chooses cat litter, he must choose dust-free cat litter. After selecting the cat litter, it is best not to change it at will. If the cat litter is changed frequently, the cat will have to adapt again.

How to train a cat to use cat litter? If you have cats at home and you don’t have a fixed place to defecate, prepare cat litter for your cat. This is clean and hygienic. Also remember to buy a shovel, which is easy to dispose of the poop after the cat defecates.