How to train a cat not to bark at night? If you do this, you won’t be calling.

Cat owners like to call their cats cat masters, mainly because of their arrogant personality. And cats are nocturnal animals, so many cats have the habit of meowing at night. How to train a cat not to meow at night? The method is actually very simple, change its work and rest habits, prepare a comfortable nest for it, and finally feed it, so that it will not bark at night.

The cat is a kind of arrogant pet. Anyone who has raised a cat knows that it is completely its own master. And cats also like to meow at night, so how to train cats not to meow at night? Today we are going to introduce you to a few methods by which you can keep your cat quiet at night.

1. Increase daytime activities

Cats are nocturnal animals. During the day, cats are lazy and always crawl to sleep. Therefore, if you want to make cats sleep at night, the best choice is to let them be more active during the day. Let it go out more or give it more toys during the day, which will make it consume a lot of physical strength during the day, and naturally have no energy to play at night.

Second, the space is large enough

Cats are insecure animals, and it is precisely because of this that cats often prefer to sleep with people. Of course, the result of this is that at night, it will get up and bark from time to time. If you want it to not bark at night, prepare a nest that is large enough and comfortable enough for it to sleep by itself, so that it is not easy to bark at night. Of course, it may keep jumping in bed at the beginning, but it must be ruthless, so as to develop the habit of sleeping alone.

3. Let it be full

The cat meowing at night may also be because it is hungry, so in order to keep it from barking in the middle of the night, it is best to feed it once before going to bed, so that it will not bark in the middle of the night. At the beginning of teaching, if you are hungry in the middle of the night, don’t get up and feed it, don’t let it develop the habit of eating in the middle of the night, just ignore it, and it will take a few days to develop it before going to bed Once you get used to eating, you will naturally not be screaming in the middle of the night.

The above is what I told you today about how to train cats not to meow at night. If you want to keep cats from meowing at night, you need to change their work and rest time. After all, for cats, night is the normal activity time. So let it sleep more during the day, let it eat before going to bed at night, and then prepare a comfortable nest with enough space for it, which can basically put an end to its habit of calling at night.