How to solve the problem of cat scratching the sofa

Grinding claws is a cat’s nature and cannot be changed. But the cat doesn’t scratch anywhere else, just likes to scratch the sofa. The sofa you just bought will be scarred not long after, which is also a very troublesome thing. As a cat owner, you must first respect the cat’s nature. In order for the cat to live in a more harmonious home, you can take some measures to get rid of the cat’s bad habit of scratching the sofa.

How to solve the problem of cat scratching the sofa
cat scratching sofa

1. Trim your cat’s nails regularly.

Cats sharpen their claws for the purpose of sharpening their nails. Regular trimming can reduce the cat’s damage to the furniture, and at the same time, it will not scratch people.

2. Prepare something for the cat to scratch.

This is the most important principle. Since the nature of cats cannot be changed, it is very important to forbid cats to scratch one place while providing another place where they can sharpen their claws!

You can prepare a claw grinding board for her (preferably a natural material, such as hemp rope, wood, etc.), fix it vertically, and then train the cat to grind its claws there. If necessary, use some catnip to entice the cat to rub the claws. Cat scratch pads that have been sprayed with catnip are also available on the market, and most cats like to use them. In addition, some grass mats made of natural materials are also the favorite of some cats, and some cats will consciously grind their claws on it. And now you can buy it in the Boqi mall, which is very convenient.

3. Prepare a water gun and educate her when she goes to grab the sofa.

Cats are very afraid of sudden “attacks”. When the cat is about to grab the sofa and “squeeze” him with a water gun, the cat will run away in great fear. Using this method a few times will make the cat form a conditioned reflex: go to the sofa to sharpen its claws = suddenly attacked by an unknown thing, the cat will naturally give up the sofa. This method once helped a cat who had been grinding claws on the sofa for 7 years to break the bad habit, and the sofa was finally safe after the move.

The jet of the water gun does no harm to the cat, but only serves as a warning. But be careful not to put water in your cat’s ears.

4. Spray lemonade on the couch where she likes to scratch.

Cats don’t like the smell of lemonade, and cats also hate orange peel water. Other flavors that are not popular with cats are toilet water, balsamic oil, etc. Cats smell these smells when they go to grind their claws, and they will definitely avoid them.


Tips to solve the problem of cats scratching the sofa:

1. While providing it with a place to scratch, stick double-sided tape all over the parts of the sofa that the cat likes to scratch. Cats don’t like that sticky feeling.

2. The simple method for lazy people: put a thick magazine on the sofa, when the cat scratches the sofa, he suddenly pats the sofa with the magazine, and shoots it in front of it, it scares away immediately, and it works a few times.