How to raise five-flowered gold? How to raise five-flowered goldfish

Five-flowered goldfish is bred from five-flowered fish and goldfish, and there are two types of long-tailed and short-tailed. Among them, the long-tailed five-flowered goldfish has an elegant tail and a graceful swimming posture. The color of the body is silver-white, and the body is surrounded by five colors: black, red, orange, blue, and silver-white. They have pointed heads, rounded abdomens, and arched backs. It has strong adaptability and is relatively easy to raise. How to raise five-flowered gold? How to raise five-flowered goldfish.

Fish tank selection, the glass tank generally used is small in size and cannot be raised more. For example, in a container with a length of 40 cm, a width of 25 cm and a height of 30 cm, 6 to 8 goldfish with a length of 5 cm to 7 cm can be raised. Adult fish with a body length of more than 8 cm should be raised in a large glass tank or ceramic tank, and equipped with a small oxygenator for backup to prevent hypoxia. The above stocking density is only for reference, but also depends on the level of water temperature, the size of the fish and the quality of the water quality. It cannot be done mechanically.

Live fish and insects are the most ideal bait for feeding and raising goldfish, and the water quality is not easy to deteriorate. It is also possible to feed dried fish and insects or artificially synthesized pellet feed. Now there are live fish and worms on the market. For the dried fish and worms sold in the market, it is better to choose fresh and loose pellets to feed the fish, and do not buy old and moldy dried fish and insects to feed them.

In order to keep the water quality pure, the feeding amount should be strictly fixed and quantitative, usually 1 to 2 times a day is appropriate, each feeding should be eaten within half an hour, do not feed the bait too much. There are two harmful effects of feeding too much: one is that the fish is full, the metabolic level is improved, and the oxygen consumption is increased, which is easy to cause the goldfish to die due to hypoxia and suffocation; cause hypoxia. Keeping goldfish is very important to maintain water quality. It is necessary to use a latex tube to remove the accumulated slag, and to absorb the feces, residual bait and turbid water at the bottom of the glass tank, and then slowly replenish the new water that has been placed for a day.

The above has introduced the breeding method of streaky goldfish, which can be used as a reference.