How to raise blade fish? How to raise blade fish

The blade fish is 10 to 15 cm long. The body is flat with a bony plate on the back, and the tip of the snout protrudes forward like a tube. There is a black longitudinal band running through the body from the snout on the side of the body. The spines of the dorsal fin are specialized and extend backward. The body is like a thin blade, gray-white. Always keep your head down and hang upside down in the water. Small fish belonging to coral reef areas. They usually swim in groups in shallow waters, sometimes hiding among sea urchin spines to protect themselves. Day and night out. Carnivorous, feeding mainly on plankton (especially plankton crustaceans). Usually, it swims slowly in the water with the head up and the tail down. How to raise blade fish?

Water change and cleaning: Now there is a complete water quality circulating filtration system, the water in the tank does not need to be replaced frequently, and generally 1/5 to 1/4 of it is replaced every month.

Feeding method: The pH value of weakly alkaline water is 8.1-8.3, and the water temperature is 25℃-26℃. Salinity 1.021~1.024. After the tank is put into the tank, the control of water quality should be continuous and stable, and there should be no large fluctuations. It is suitable for invertebrate aquariums with large water volume and high water quality.

Buying points: The body is flat and thin with a bony plate on the back, and the tip of the snout protrudes forward like a tube. There is a black longitudinal band running through the body from the snout on the side of the body, and the body is like a thin blade, gray and white.

Food types: Feed on animal plankton and small fish. The bait includes Artemia, fish worm, water earthworm, artificial compound bait and so on. Be careful to cut the food very finely.