How to raise black swallowfish? Black swallow fish farming

The black swallowfish is completely black and flat, like a swallow in flight. They are gentle in temperament, graceful and elegant in hot money, and have high ornamental value. The black swallowtail is 15-20 cm long. The black swallowtail has high requirements for water temperature and water quality, and it is difficult to raise. How to raise black swallowfish? Black swallow fish farming.

Water temperature of black swallowfish: It is best to control the water temperature of black angelfish at 22-26 degrees Celsius. Too high or too low temperature may cause disease or even death. You can buy heating rods and temperature control equipment at the flower and bird market or online. The water quality of black swallowfish, black angelfish is suitable for weakly acidic water quality, and it can survive well if the pH value is controlled between 6.5-7.4.

Black swallow fish feeding, black swallow fish bait includes red worm, water earthworm, mealworm, small live fish, pellet feed, etc. Most of the black swallow fish are mainly based on animal bait, and you can also buy dry feed at the aquarium store, such as dried insects, dried shrimp and mixed dry feed. These feeds are easy to keep and can be fed for several months at a time, and the price is not expensive. If you want to breed small fish, live bait is best.

Changing the water for black swallowtail: When changing the water, black swallowtail needs to pay attention to drying the tap water for about 2 days to remove chlorine gas. Using the siphon principle, clean the residues at the bottom of the fish tank, replace 1/3 of the old water, and when changing the water, you need to slowly pour the new water along the wall of the fish tank, not directly on the black swallow fish, they will Frightened or maladaptive produces a stress response.

Breeding of black swallowtail: The sexual maturity of black swallowtail fish is 6-8 months old. When selecting fish, it is best to choose healthy and colorful fish. The water temperature is best controlled at 25-26 degrees Celsius. In order to prevent the malnutrition of the broodstock, it is best to use a variety of bait styles.

The above describes how to raise black swallow fish, everyone can use it as a reference.