How to raise betta fish? Betta farming method

How to raise betta fish? Bettas are relatively ferocious fish. There are no special restrictions on the containers for raising bettas, ranging from polyculture aquariums to glass tanks. However, because of its aggressive nature, it likes to ram through each other. To avoid them fighting, they are generally kept alone or in a spacious fish tank.

Water quality control: Betta fish do not have strict temperature requirements. Generally, they can survive within 20 to 30 °C. The water temperature is 24 to 27 °C, which is the most suitable for their growth; the pH of the water is suitable for neutral water. 6.5 to 7.2; it is best to change the water once every 3-6 days, mainly according to the water quality and the size of the fish basin. Don’t wait for the water quality to deteriorate before changing, it is easy to get sick. It is best to keep the dissolved oxygen at 5mg/l under conditions.

Lighting environment: Sufficient light is conducive to the photosynthesis of aquatic plants. It is best to configure a small lamp with soft light in a small glass tank.

Feeding of bait: It is very important for betta to feed regularly. The eating habits of each betta are different, and the feeding time of betta is also different. Just like people, people need three meals a day. , The same is true for bettas. Feeding bettas once in the morning and once at night is best.

Note: Do not directly impact the gills with water. Do not place in direct sunlight. Natural aquatic plants should be cultivated in aquariums or ponds, such as Shuiyun grass, water hibiscus, etc., in order to reproduce and hide.