How to raise a month of small dogs

Although the native dog has a strong immunity, but just born a month of the native dog it is not very perfect in all aspects, must be vaccinated within the appropriate environment, the next to tell you again, a month of small native dog how to raise?
I. Deworming.

One month how to raise a small dog, we need to do is deworming, although the small dog does not have a certain immunity, but this can not be completely resistant to disease and pests. Therefore, in order for them to grow up healthily and smoothly, they must be dewormed as soon as possible after he has adapted to the surrounding environment, and if necessary, they can also follow the doctor’s instructions to receive some vaccinations.
Second, diet.
How about a month old puppy? We must pay attention to its diet. In general, this time the dog it has not been weaned, but for the small dog you give him weaning is not a big deal, but can not feed them some solid food, so we can feed him some goat milk or other dogs specializing in milk powder, and then brewed into milk to drink it on the line.
Third, the living environment.
Small earth dog compared to our pet dog does not seem so pretentious, does not need to buy something from the store to build a kennel, and then arranged beautifully, but in not so good conditions, it can also be very good growth. Its kennel simple, as long as a paper box on the line, do not have to build a beautiful kennel. But still consider the weather, if the outside temperature is relatively high, the cardboard box must do a good job of ventilation to avoid it from heatstroke. If the temperature is low, you can pad the bottom of the cardboard box with a few pieces of thicker clothes that we do not want, so they will not be frozen and then catch a cold.
How to raise a month old puppy? The last thing to note is that is in the case of low temperatures to the dog bathing speed must be fast, even if you use hot water, but it will still feel a little cold. So that in the process of bathing, almost after a few seconds interval, you need to sprinkle water on its body. If you do not, you can obviously feel its body shivering. After the bath, first use a wet towel to dry the excess water, then use a dry towel, and finally use a hair dryer to dry all the water. In the process of using the hair dryer also can not pay attention to shorten the time, and the hair dryer fully close to the dog, so they will be burned ah.