How to do Canary Breeding

Canaries do not like to live in groups very much, so if we keep two or more canaries in the same cage, there is a good chance that they will fight and get into trouble. So to raise canaries well and do their breeding work well, you must first understand the relevant living habits of this bird.

Getting canaries to mate requires advance planning, professional equipment and food, and luck. In addition, the canaries are kept separately unless it is mating time. Male canaries will attack each other and may kill non-mating females. However, different cages can be placed in the same room.

  1. Observe whether the birds are mating

Male canaries tend to reach mating before female canaries. Mating male canaries fold their wings when they call, and the call is loud and piercing. They will walk around the perch, are more territorial, and display aggression when other males approach.

Female canaries during mating like to tear off the paper as if they are building a nest. When their anus is found to be red and swollen, they must be mating. When spotted, they spread their wings and squat down to attract each other’s attention.

  1. Put the male and female canaries together.

There are special cages that allow male and female canaries to get to know each other, but do not allow males to attack each other. This birdcage has two partitions, one is metal mesh and the other is sealed board. Do not remove any of the nets until the female has built her nest.

How to do Canary Breeding
Pay attention to a rich diet during the mating period

  1. Put in a bird’s nest

We can see if we can buy a bird’s nest made of plastic or wire at the flower and bird market. If the female bird can’t build the nest well, we can put the purchased bird’s nest in it. Once the female canaries have started taking in the nest and are ready to add to it, we can remove the divider from the sealing board.

  1. Feed the right feed

Mating canaries eat nutrient-rich seeds every day, along with a small piece of fresh fruit. Females should also be fed bovine bone or gravel to supplement calcium for spawning. Watch as the male and female canaries begin to kiss.

The male and female canaries may start kissing through the wire as soon as you remove the sealing plate, or it may take a few days. Once this happens, you can remove the wire mesh divider, but keep an eye on it to avoid a fight. If they fight, they should be separated again, and then follow the steps above to observe the mating period and put them together again.

  1. Then observe whether there are eggs in the nest

Females can lay up to 8 eggs at a time, but generally lay around 5 eggs. Then it takes about 14 days to incubate. During this time, we just need to wait and do not need any extra assistance, but if the weather is cold, pay attention to proper insulation.

  1. Keep the birds separately.

After the bird will eat by itself, and the wings are relatively plump, we can keep the bird and the mother separately. Caging is usually done when they are 3 weeks old.