How to distinguish the male from the female Ragdoll cat?

Everyone who has a cat parents almost all know how to distinguish between male and female cats, there are some parents who have never had a cat, or do not know much about these parents do not know how to distinguish, because cats and dogs are not yet the same, the external reproductive organs do not have such a huge difference between dogs, then we have to distinguish by what way?

In fact, to distinguish between male and female Ragdoll cats is very simple, the most basic is to distinguish from the face, male cats from the appearance of the face is more round, the nose is also wider, these are also relative to the female cat. Female cats have narrower noses and smaller faces, just like our small-faced beauties, and this method is also possible to distinguish between male and female. But this way of looking at the face may not be so obvious, and need to have male and female cats to compare, for some parents who are not familiar with cats may not be so easy to see.

However, in addition to looking at the face, you can also divide the male and female from the physical structure of the Ragdoll cat. In male cats, the distance between the anus and the external genitalia is a little further apart than in female cats, and the shape of the genital opening is a little more rounded, while in female cats the opening of the pubis is more like a slit. It may be a little difficult to tell the difference when they are young, but when the cat grows up, the male cat’s testicles will develop, that is, the balls will grow out, and it will be obvious to distinguish between male and female.

In fact, when you first do not know, want to distinguish between male and female cats is still a little difficult, and so you have more cats, see more, naturally it will be very simple to distinguish. This includes the differentiation of kittens is not too difficult.