How often should you change the water when raising goldfish? Goldfish water change

How often should you change the water when raising goldfish? Generally speaking, the water should be changed every 10 days in spring and summer, and once every half a month in winter. The best time to do a water change for your goldfish is noon.

In the hottest summer, how often do you need to change the water for raising goldfish? What we do is to suck out the old water sinking at the bottom of the tank, the food residues in the tank and the fish excrement with a hose every day, and the water change amount is roughly 1/1/2 10-1/5, then remove the waste floating on the surface. Then slowly inject new water along the tank wall, which is convenient and easy to operate.

In hot summer, the freshly changed water in the tank turns green within a few days, and it is also necessary to change the water to prevent the goldfish from burning their tails. So sometimes, how often you need to change the water for raising goldfish depends on the situation. You can’t be rigid. Take out the goldfish carefully, and turn the water in a spiral shape. After the water is calm, use a suction hose to suck out the dirty things in the middle. , the water absorption is 1/3, after injecting the same amount of isothermal new water, put the goldfish back again.

The situation of all water changes occurs when the water quality of the goldfish is extremely deteriorated, and it is completely unsuitable for the growth of goldfish. Try to avoid this situation.

In autumn and winter, the metabolism of goldfish is slow, and the food intake also decreases. Reducing the number of water changes for goldfish is beneficial to the growth of goldfish.

How often to change the water for raising goldfish requires aquarists who raise goldfish to pay more attention to the changes in water quality in the tank, change the water in time, and formulate water changing standards for different seasons. The above has written the relevant knowledge of how often to change the water for raising goldfish, and I hope it will be helpful to aquarists.