How many hours a day do orange cats sleep? So orange cats love to sleep so much?

Parents who have cats have found such a problem is that every day when they see their cats, they are almost always sleeping, and may be a little naughty when they are small and often go to play. But once it becomes depressed as it gets older, and sleeps most of the day for a few days, how long can an orange cat sleep in a day?

For the orange cat, the orange cat is fond of sleeping and this is a given. Sleeping time can reach 14 hours a day, and as they get older, it is likely to reach 20 hours. This sleep habit is actually due to genetics, just before the cat has become a human pet, the place to live is in the wild, every day rely on hunting to live a hard job, in the process requires a lot of capacity, so rely on a lot of time to sleep, so as to quickly restore physical energy, in addition to sleep is also the best way to protect physical energy.

But the guys should not look at the orange cat seems to be sleeping all the time, in fact, a lot of time is not really sleeping, but a lot of time is napping. Sometimes you feel that the orange cat is sleeping, but as long as after careful observation will find that it still has eyes that are open, may only slightly squinted eyes, leaving a slit, but as long as you hear any sound nearby, then its ears will quickly turn, or directly jump up, with a particularly high alertness. Usually snooze time will be in 15 minutes to about half an hour, when the body is always in a state of readiness, a little something will quickly act.

Not only the orange cat breed, of course, all cats are almost the same, are very sleepy, I counted on my fingers, the orange cat is at least two-thirds of the time are sleeping, compared to the orange cat messy look, I still like the orange cat sleep look.