How do cats deworm? The right way to deworm your cat!

Do cats need to be dewormed? How do cats deworm? Cats are the intermediate or final host of many parasites. These parasites can cause skin allergies, diarrhea, vomiting, soft stools and other uncomfortable symptoms in cats. In severe cases, they may even lead to death. Therefore, cats must be dewormed on time.

The main external parasites of cats are: fleas, ear mites, ticks

The first is fleas, which are very annoying. They bite both cats and people, which will cause cats to frequently scratch their bodies due to severe itching, causing seasonal eczema, allergic dermatitis, local ulcers, hair loss anemia, malnutrition and other symptoms. Fleas will also spread a large number of Viruses that cause zoonotic diseases. If you find fleas, in addition to deworming the cat on time, you can often bathe it with a deworming shampoo, which has a certain flea-killing effect.

The second is ear mites, which are basically not contagious to humans, but are easy to damage the cat’s ear canal, causing the cat’s ear to be itchy. Often scratching the ear with claws can easily cause traumatic infection, which infects the entire ear and causes the cat’s hearing loss. If you find a lot of black secretions in your cat’s ears, you should clean and treat it with ear drops specially designed for cats.

The third is ticks, which can cause local skin ulcers and pain in cats; ticks suck a lot of blood, and the difference in weight of ticks before and after sucking cat blood can be 200 times. Long-term blood sucking can lead to anemia in cats; what is more serious is the amount of blood in its saliva. Toxins can paralyze cats. Once found, can not be easily pulled out, it is best to seek veterinary treatment.

The cat has been walking on the ground, and constantly licking and cleaning the body, it will inevitably eat the eggs, so it is prone to internal parasites. The main internal parasites in cats are roundworms, tapeworms, and hookworms. Cats are infected with internal parasites, mainly manifested as diarrhea, vomiting, loss of appetite, etc. There is basically no other way to deal with internal parasites than to use cat deworming medicine.

So how do cats get rid of worms? It is best to give your cat a dewormer on a regular basis. The choice of cat deworming medicine, I suggest that you consider the following three aspects.

1. Security. All cat deworming medicines are toxic to a certain extent, and improper use can damage the cat’s health. It is best to choose a big brand, and use a large number of cat deworming drugs. In case of any problems, there is also after-sales protection.

2. Deworming spectrum. For domestic cats, it is more of a preventive deworming, and it is important to choose a broad-spectrum cat deworming medicine.

3. Convenience. Drops eliminate the trouble of feeding medicines and are more convenient.

The Blein used by my cat is a topical drop, which is directly dropped on the skin of the cat’s shoulder and neck, and it’s just fine not to let it lick it. It’s very convenient. It is a cat anthelmintic under the French Boehringer brand, and it is produced by the same factory as the famous Flair, and the quality is guaranteed. I am very assured. Four-effect compound formula, so there are many kinds of deworming. It is the most broad-spectrum deworming medicine for cats on the market. It can kill roundworms, hookworms, tapeworms in the body, prevent heartworms, treat lungworms, bladder Nematodes; can kill ticks, fleas, flea eggs, larvae and flea pupae in vitro, control ear itching mites, cat scabies, and lice. For domestic cats, this deworming configuration is more than enough!

How do cats deworm? you learned! In a word, once a month is the best way to prevent parasitic infection!