How can you make your dog smarter and learn to track?

Every time you get off the plane have you seen the kind of drug dogs sniffing around, and then very powerful to find the stolen goods, have you seen the movie if people are missing or looking for very important evidence will have the trace of police dogs, we all say that the dog’s nose is the most sensitive, but their own dog’s sense of smell is not as powerful as the phenomenon, this is why, in fact, those dogs are through training out, that to How can we train such a keen sense of smell dog?

One, training patience

To train a dog to track, first let the dog listen to itself, but also let the dog adapt in the tracking belt and tracking rope, if these two items adapt, then you can train it, first of all, to find an item that the dog likes more, hide this item in a more distant place, and then make instructions to let it find the item, but this item should not be put too far or directly let it not find, training the dog must Don’t rush, first you have to let the dog see you will like the item in the place it can see, and then in the command it to find, and then start gradually, the item placed farther away, let it find, this time you have to keep talking to it, try to make it respond, although the dog can not speak, but it can still understand, because the dog’s IQ is equivalent to a five-year-old child IQ When it finds the item, you have to give it encouragement, or hug it and pet its head, or give it something to eat, so that the dog is excited, so your next training will be easier.

Second, training blind find
When the dog understands the training, then in the training of dog tracking, you can add some difficulty to the training is to mix the dog’s favorite or habitual items in a pile of unfamiliar items, so that these confusing items thrown in a relatively distant place, but you do not immediately let it go to find, to wait for a period of time, five or ten minutes and then let the dog to find its familiar items, if the dog can not find, you To encourage it with words, or by petting the dog to find the item, when the dog finds the item, you should also give it some praise, if you can not find you do not scold it, more practice a few times the dog will look for it.

Three, training success
If your dog is successful in tracking, you can now train your dog to start looking blindly, hide the items he likes, not in his sight, and then rely on his sense of smell to find the items, if the dog can easily find, you have to encourage the dog, then you have to put the items further away, or extend the time to find the items, if the dog can not find, you have to guide the dog If your dog can’t find it, you will have to guide your dog a few times. I believe that through such training, your dog will become a master sniffer.