How about anchovies? How to breed anchovies

How about anchovies? How to grow anchovies:

1. Water temperature

The water temperature is generally stable at 22°C to 26°C. If the temperature is lower than 18°C, the anchovies are prone to loss of appetite, lethargy, and are also prone to diseases such as water mold. Whether to use a warmer depends on individual circumstances.

2.PH value

The pH value of the water has a considerable impact on anchovies. The most suitable pH value for anchovies is between PH6.5 and PH7.5. In addition, when changing the water for anchovies, remember not to replace all of them. You should keep a little old water. Because water can become acidic over time, a large water change can be a disaster for anchovies.

3. Lighting

You don’t have to use special aquarium lamps, you can also use natural light to create a day and night feel. Light can stimulate and speed up anchovies to grab food and encourage them to grow faster. Appropriate light can help adjust the water temperature, and it is also convenient for breeders to observe the anchovies and detect the existence of diseases in time.

4. Hardness

Anchovies do not have high requirements for water hardness, and they have strong adaptability. They do not require owners to bother to adjust the hardness of the water. This is one of the reasons why many people often say that anchovies are easy to raise.

5. Nitrous acid concentration

The level of nitrous acid concentration also has a considerable impact on the survival of anchovies. To solve the problem of too high nitrous acid concentration, the fastest way is to immediately change into fresh and dechlorinated water.

6. Breeding density

As the anchovies grow up, the owner should change to a larger tank in time to provide better conditions for their rapid development. If the density is too small, it will affect the fish’s appetite for food, which is not conducive to growth; if the density is too high, the water quality is not easy to control, which will easily lead to their disease.