Garfield likes to chew on things, how can I correct it?

There are many parents who really can’t understand why Garfield likes to bite things so much. Sometimes I really wonder if I have a cat or a dog? I often get home at night and find that this and that thing in the house is broken again. This also gives the editor a headache. How could such a well-behaved cat become like this?

Garfield actually has a molar period, which started when he was young. Except for a special molar period, he rarely has the habit of biting things. But if the owner does not prepare the corresponding toys for Garfield, Garfield will bite things. How should we deal with this situation? First of all, you can use the molar stick first, because some young Garfields bite things at home, probably because they have entered the molar period. When Garfield enters the molar period, the teeth are not very comfortable, so they will pass through the molar period. Biting things to relieve this uncomfortable feeling, then at this time, if the owner wants to prevent Garfield from biting things, it is best to prepare a molar stick for him. Generally speaking, Garfield’s situation is basically in its infancy, that is About 2 to 3 months, it will be more obvious at this time. When thinking about molar sticks, you should pay attention to it. It is best to choose some molar sticks that are not easy to hurt Garfield and are not easy to be bitten, which can reduce the risk of injury. Probability, the effect will be better.

If it wasn’t during the period of teeth grinding, but the Garfield was born with a more rebellious personality, or when Garfield was young, the owner did not do a good job of proper guidance to develop Garfield’s bad habit of biting things. At this time, the owner should be in Garfield’s chaos. Rebuke loudly when you bite something, let it know that it is wrong, and slowly correct the bad habit.

Garfield likes to chew on things, how can I correct it? But no matter how difficult it is in education, parents should not use violence to hit Garfield, because Garfield’s living habits are also closely related to parents. Correction does not mean that it can be completely changed in one or two days. It still requires parents to persevere. To train and guide, in order to have good results.