Five reasons why orange cats keep meowing, all parents need to know

The orange cat has always been the leader in the fat world. As the saying goes, ten oranges are nine fat, and the fat figure has also gained a firm foothold in the cat world, so there are many parents who raise orange cats. So why do cats keep meowing? Is it a physical problem, or is it the environment?

First of all, when the orange cat is in a new environment, it will feel scared and nervous, so it will meow all the time. Let the orange cat slowly familiarize itself with the environment, usually it will be fine in 3-7 days. In addition, don’t always look directly at the orange cat, this will make the orange cat feel more vigilant, pretend not to see it, and let it familiarize itself with the environment. After the environment is familiar, slowly cultivate the relationship with the orange cat, such as feeding, caring, playing, etc. can enhance the relationship. So what other reasons are there other than the new kitten not adapting?

1. The orange cat meows loudly at night. Check to see if its food bowl and water tray are empty. If it is empty, then it is probably hungry or thirsty. Add food and water to it and put it Feed and you can sleep peacefully.

2. If the weather is too cold, you need to see if the cat litter is not warm enough. It is recommended to lay a thicker layer for the orange cat. The orange cat will naturally not bark when it is warm.

3. In the dead of night, if only one orange cat is active at home, it will also feel lonely, and then it will also call other cats through meowing. You can give it a ball of yarn or a fake mouse toy or something, and it won’t torture you when it has something to play with.

4. Or when there are other cats nearby, at this time you will hear the orange cat at home and the cat outside take turns meowing, that is they are chatting, you just need to drive the cat outside and break the thoughts of your orange cat , it called a few times and did not respond, then it was quiet.

5. If the orange cat is sick or injured, it usually doesn’t like to bark. At most, it just sleeps. Only when the pain is too unbearable, it will bark. At this time, parents must be sent to the hospital as soon as possible, because most of the screaming pain is more serious.

The cat is a very tolerant species. If the cat is always meowing, you must check it more to see which aspect is causing the problem. Unless the orange cat at home is a talker and just likes to meow, then this is not the case. The only way is to gradually educate and improve the problem of orange cat talking.