Dogs with rice bowls is very cute? I teach you how to let the dog hold the rice bowl!

Many partners should have seen the video of the dog gripping the rice bowl to ask for food when they usually brush Shake Yin! I believe that after watching this video you must think that these dogs are very cute, especially in the gripping rice bowl, at the same time, with the continuous improvement of the material level, more and more partners like to raise small pets, many of them like to raise dogs, dogs as our human good friends, often like to play with us humans, so many partners say that dogs are the best friends of mankind, I believe that many Small partners should be through the daily life or movie deep experience, then I will teach you today should be how to let the dog learn to gripping the rice bowl.

First of all, the development and the dog’s feelings.

Before we train the dog to do the action of gripping the rice bowl, the dog should be trained. Let the dog and the master can reach the realm of the soul, mutual understanding of each other’s feelings. So what should we do to achieve this point? In fact, this is also a lot of just dog partners have been asking the question, in fact, the solution to this problem is very simple, we just need to go through a certain training, and daily companionship to achieve this effect with the dog, then the problem comes, how should we do it? We should be able to see what the dog likes to eat in normal times, we can make the dog like our little master by regular feeding according to what the dog likes to eat. At the same time dogs are fond of going out to play, we have to take the dog out every day, this time the dog and our feelings will slowly cultivate it.

Secondly, be sure to prepare a rice bowl, give the dog a feeling of not having a bowl to eat: we let the dog gripping the rice bowl premise.

We let the dog gripping rice bowl is the premise that we have a rice bowl can let the dog gripping, at this time, we through to the dog to cultivate a want to eat, to have a rice bowl of the conditioned reflex, so the dog wants to eat will first think of the rice bowl.

Finally, we ask the dog to carry the bowl.

This time, the dog already knows the user of the rice bowl, we just need to pass the language, let the dog take the rice bowl, we give him a meal, it is good, over time, when the dog is hungry, the dog will take the rice bowl to find you.

After listening to the introduction of the dog gripper bowl, I believe we must all know how to do it! You have to teach your dog how to hold the bowl!