Dog whisperer trains dogs to urinate and defecate

I believe that for friends who have a dog, should know the importance of training the dog to urinate and defecate, after all, we can not always stay at home, during the day is also to go out to work, every time you come home if the dog urinates and defecates, is undoubtedly a very devastating thing. This time, the dog whisperer training dog urination and defecation is very important, the following will share with you the relevant training methods, come to learn it.

  1. how to train poop and pee

Dog whisperer training dog poop how to do? In fact, the training of urination and defecation is the need to master the timing, the timing is actually the time of the dog defecation, generally speaking, after the dog has finished eating, drinking water, early in the morning just up or go out to play after half an hour, are very easy to defecate time, once you find your dog circling around the spot, while constantly sniffing the ground with his nose, then this time it represents the need to defecate, this time The pet owner needs to guide the dog to the right place to defecate and help it get familiar with the place.

  1. consolidate the training results

For dog training, it is important to use rewards to consolidate the training results. Through rewards can let it know in the right place to defecate can have a lot of benefits, through rewards repeatedly to reinforce this thinking, so that it can make it obediently fixed point defecation. Of course, at the beginning, when you find him defecating everywhere, don’t reprimand him, but guide him and use rewards to stimulate him to do the right behavior.

  1. Fixing the location of the toilet

In addition, the location of the fixed toilet is also a matter of choice, not just any place. First of all, choose a spacious, quiet place as a fixed toilet, and do not choose a place too difficult to find, if too complicated, the puppy can not find a moment, then it is still possible to defecate on the way to go out. Generally speaking, the choice of balcony is better, in addition to the corridor is also a good choice, remember to lay a good newspaper as a fixed toilet.

The above is about the dog whisperer training dog urination and defecation method, we learned? In fact, training dogs to urinate and defecate at fixed points is something that every pet owner has to go through, it is best to empty a few days in advance to focus on training, so that it forms a habit, so that the subsequent training as long as the behavior can be maintained.