Dog Talk Today – At what age is it best to train an East German dog?

Training a dog is a problem that many people cannot avoid in the process of raising a dog, through what kind of way should we train our dog? This is the problem of many partners, through what kind of way training dogs can improve the characteristics of our dogs? In fact, different dogs have different genders, so we are training the same, through what way we should train our dogs with maximum efficiency, this is the problem of many partners, in order to help you solve this problem, I will take the East German dog as an example today, to introduce you to the problem. I believe that many partners who have some knowledge should know that the East German dog is a working dog, used as a drug detection dog, police dogs. In many places, working dogs are also mainly East German dogs. Therefore, when the working dog is trained at the age of the best, many partners have this question. Let’s learn more about it today!

I. It is best to start training at a young age.

Many small partners said in the training of East German dogs, many small partners have a discovery that the dog should be raised from a young age, because these dogs are raised from a young age in order to make him and our deepest feelings. Dogs are man’s best companion, many students in the usual shake, fast should have seen what they let the dog do, the dog do what the video, these videos of the dog has reached a certain understanding with the dog, the director issued what command, the dog knows what the master let himself do, only through a long time together, we can reach the realm of the heart with the dog, mutual understanding of each other’s The heart and mind. So we start training East German dogs from a young age, because the effect of this age is the best.
Second, how to train a working dog.

Many partners in training working dogs have a question, how should we train working dogs in order to make these working dogs play their strongest? We should pay attention to the physical training of the dog in general, we can take the dog for a walk in general, bubble playground, at the same time we can also give the dog a special sense of smell training, usually let the dog improve their sense of smell, which not only improves the professionalism of the dog, but also can help us a lot in daily life.

After listening to my introduction, I believe you must more or less understand how to train the East German dog a bit! The best way to train is to accompany them from a young age, and I believe we should be able to appreciate that.