Can two puppies be trained? How do I train them?

Two puppies can actually be trained together, the owner should be patient when training, and to reward the dogs after they do the right actions and understand the commands, so that it is easier to train the dogs to be more well-behaved.

In fact, many friends now have two dogs, which is the same as having a baby, two dogs living together will not be too lonely, and it is also easier to develop good habits. There are often friends consulting in the end two puppies can be trained? How to train it? In fact, two dogs trained together as long as the right method is often able to achieve the very best training effect.

  1. First develop feelings
    When the dog just came home, it is best not to rush to train the dog, because the dog is a spiritual, emotional animal. When you are new to an unfamiliar environment, the dog will also appear insecure or anxious, if this time to train is difficult to achieve the desired effect. Therefore, you should first develop a relationship with the dog, so that the dog to the owner to create a sense of trust, and then training will have better results.
  2. Be rewarded
    In the dog exchange group often see people ask two puppies can be trained? In fact, training two puppies is easier than training a puppy, in training need to pay attention to their appropriate rewards. For example, when a dog understands the command, we should immediately give food rewards, so that the other dog can also quickly understand the command and learn a variety of actions. Appropriate rewards can make the dog more interested in learning commands, actions and habits, and also easier to learn.
  3. Control the time
    Can two puppies be trained? The answer is yes, and two puppies are often very effective in training. In the training also need to pay special attention to control the time, especially in the initial training, the training time is best controlled in about 10 to 15 minutes. Because if the time is too long, the dogs may become averse to learning, and if the time is too short, often do not achieve the desired training effect. Control the time and train every day on time, it generally does not take long to be able to train two dogs are well behaved and obedient. The answer to the above question for you two puppies can be trained? If you have two dogs at home, then you can take these methods introduced in the article when training. For dog owners, training dogs is actually a hard and happy thing, every dog owner wants to train them to be polite, hygienic, well behaved and cute, in fact, as long as you master the training method, whether it is training a dog or two dogs is not a difficult thing.