Can I feed melon seeds to golden bears?

Normally, the golden bear is a kind of hamster, medium size, there are also many people called the golden hamster, there are many parents think that the golden bear is a hamster class, like to eat dried fruit, they have been feeding the golden bear to eat melon, that like so feeding is correct? What should we parents pay attention to?

Giving too many sunflower seeds or high-calorie foods will make the bears easily fat and nutritionally unbalanced. Overweight rats are prone to heatstroke in summer, have too much skin fat and lose their hair easily. Please do not feed too much of the fruit and vegetable part at one time, it will easily cause death by abdominal leakage. Two or three days to change the drinking pure water or plain water. You can mix a small amount in the food, but do not add too much.

At 2 weeks old, the bear cubs will start to steal some of the more palatable kibble, but they will still be feeding mainly on their mother’s milk. At three weeks old, the cubs are now fully ratty, their teeth have grown and they often bite their mothers when they suckle, so some mothers may be reluctant to feed them at this time, but at three weeks old they are basically ready to feed themselves. One month old cubs should be ready for cage separation. Failure to do so may cause resentment from the mother, some of whom may even attack the cubs, and some cubs may “kill each other” as they become territorial. When wild golden bears grow up, the mother will drive her cubs out of the den and let them stand on their own.

Golden bears eat a variety of weed seeds and grains as their main diet, and occasionally prey on insects, and have a habit of storing food. In the case of artificial feeding can be fed rat food, dried fruit, moderate amount of vegetables. Feeding is generally done with rat food for golden bears, and when the main focus is on rat food, attention should also be paid to feeding some bread worms and small dried fish.