Can cat ear mites be cured repeatedly? Don’t worry about finding the right way!

Cat ear mites are a common disease, especially in warm spring and summer, and are highly contagious. Although cat ear mites are not a serious disease, they are easy to repeat, and it takes some effort and time to completely cure them. If the treatment is not timely, it will cause secondary bacterial infection, causing inflammation of the cat’s ear, serious diseases such as encephalitis, and even deafness. For the health of cats, once you find cat ear mite disease, you must take timely treatment measures!

1. How to simply judge whether it is cat ear mites?

1. There is a dark brown oily wax in the cat’s ear, which is somewhat similar to coffee grounds.

2. The ears are very itchy. The cat scratches the ears with its hind paws from time to time, and even scratches appear.

3. The cat often shakes its head, trying to get the dirt out of the ear.

4. There will be a foul odor near the cat’s ear canal!

If the cat has any of the above symptoms, the feces shoveler should be vigilant and pay attention to whether the cat is suffering from ear mites. Of course, certain types of bacterial infections can also have symptoms similar to cat ear mites. If you’re not sure whether it’s a bacterial infection or cat ear mites, it’s best to go to the hospital for a test first. Because only by identifying the cause and prescribing the right medicine, the cat’s condition can be fully recovered.

2. What should I do after being diagnosed with cat ear mites?

1. If a cat in the family is diagnosed with ear mites, immediately isolate other cats and dogs to prevent cross-infection.

2. Wash all the items used by the cat and put them in the sun to dry. If it cannot be cleaned, it can be sterilized with ultraviolet light.

3. Prepare to clean up the ear wash, ear skin spirit, cotton swab

1) After dripping an appropriate amount of ear washing water into the cat’s ear canal, massage for half a minute to let the foreign body attached to the ear canal fall off. After the massage, let go of the hand, and the cat will immediately shake off the ear. Wipe the thrown out liquid and black foreign body with a tissue. Then proceed to the next step; (any ear washing water can be used, this step is for better absorption of subsequent ear medicines)

2) Insert the cotton swab deep into the outer auricle, wipe off the excess liquid, and prepare to apply the medicine;

3) Install an extension tube for Erfuling, because the cat’s ear canal is L-shaped, so be sure to lift the ear and drop the medicine into the ear, about the size of a soybean grain, and massage gently after the drop. For the root of the ear, the applicator is finished.

Precautions: Some feces shovelers feel that the secretions in the cat’s ears have decreased, and they immediately stop the medication, which can easily lead to the recurrence of cat ear mites. It is best to use the medicine for a few more days after the cat’s ears recover to prevent Worm eggs!

3. How to prevent cat ear mites in healthy cats?

After the cat ear mites are completely cured, will they not recur? No! Cat ear mites are parasitic infections. As long as there are parasites in cats, there is a risk of infection. Therefore, those who shove shit must deworm cats on time.

It is recommended to choose Bolai En for deworming, because it is a four-effect compound formula, so there are many kinds of deworming. It is currently the most broad-spectrum deworming drug for cats, which can kill roundworms, hookworms, and tapeworms in cats. In vitro ear itching mites, ear scabies mites, ticks, fleas, lice. Just remove the hair on the shoulders and neck of the cat, and drop the medicine on the skin. A handicapped person like me can easily deworm the cat, which is very convenient!

The above is a summary of my personal experience about cat ear mite disease, I hope it will be helpful to everyone!