Before understanding how to do dog diarrhea, you need to figure out the cause of dog diarrhea

Novice pooper scoopers often have such and such problems when raising dogs, such as how to do dog diarrhea, how to do dog colds, how to do dogs do not eat …… dog diarrhea is more complex, before understanding how to do dog diarrhea, you need to figure out the reasons. The next content please white pooper scooper look carefully, will speak in detail for you to do about puppy diarrhea.

In the beginning, newbie pooper scoopers will be anxious to know how to do puppy diarrhea because the dog has diarrhea, puppy diarrhea is a common sign of dog disease, resulting in dog diarrhea for many reasons, so be sure to first find out the cause of dog diarrhea, the right medicine. If you really don’t know the reason, and don’t know how to do puppy diarrhea, it is best to take your dog to the vet to see.

How do you do when your puppy has diarrhea? What are the causes and performance of puppy diarrhea?

1, indigestion caused by diarrhea: dogs may not eat well caused by indigestion or cold and diarrhea, generally in adjusting the living environment and the amount of food, and soon will improve. For puppies, their intestines are very fragile, digestive system is not perfect, lack of many digestive enzymes, if in less than three months, they are given to eat canned food or simple meat, naturally prone to indigestion, resulting in the case of diarrhea, it is recommended to replace the diet. In addition, eating a diet that is too greasy, eating too fast or eating something that is not easy to digest can also lead to dog diarrhea. Pay attention to adjust the improvement of diet, as light as possible.

2, gastric disease caused by diarrhea: this case the dog is no spirit, the body temperature will also rise, you can go to the hospital to check more at ease, you can also give the dog with probiotics to regulate.

3, parasites caused by diarrhea: dog diarrhea if accompanied by vomiting, abnormal color of stool or small worms in the stool, the probability is that the intestinal parasites caused. The probability of parasitic infections in dogs is quite high, so pooper scoopers need to feed their dogs deworming medication regularly every month. It is recommended that you use the French imported brand Canine Heart Insurance to do internal deworming for your dog, and Foley’s with external deworming, these two drugs or the same company, the effectiveness is very good. If you do regular deworming, your dog’s diarrhea will be reduced and your dog’s diarrhea can be solved.

The heartworm infection does not have any symptoms at the beginning, and the symptoms show up late, and the heartworm removal surgery in China is not perfect, so you must prevent the heartworm in advance to avoid the situation that we all do not want to see.

For dog diarrhea how to do, shovel officers should pay attention to the dog deworming drugs on the market is particularly large, must choose a good drug, a good deworming drug not only to a wide range of worm spectrum, deworming efficacy to be good, but also the composition of safe and non-irritating, canine heart insurance fully meet these three conditions, puppies, lactating and pregnant dogs can be used with confidence. It’s made from real, high-quality beef and is very palatable, so dogs love it and feed it effortlessly!

The monthly deworming of the dog on time is a must-do for the pooper scooper, and the problem of how to do diarrhea in puppies will be solved by doing a good job of deworming. People who want to be lazy or feel unnecessary, it is best not to have a dog, because raising a dog is a long-term thing, and to take care of it, to be responsible. Therefore, before raising a dog must be carefully considered Oh!