As a new pooper scooper, do you know how to treat puppy diarrhea?

As a novice pooper scooper, you may encounter many such and such problems in the process of raising a dog, which is normal, after all, many people are not well-prepared when they start raising a dog. Generally speaking, new pooper scoopers will have the following questions: how to treat puppy diarrhea? What if the puppy does not eat? What about puppy vomiting? …… Here we talk to the novice first how to treat puppy diarrhea.

The first puppy diarrhea how to treat need to be based on its specific situation to decide. In fact, how to treat puppy diarrhea mainly depends on what causes diarrhea, and then the right medicine can be. If it is impossible to judge and solve, especially for new pooper scoopers, it is best to go to the hospital to be handled by a professional doctor. So what are the causes of puppy diarrhea? These causes of puppy diarrhea how to treat it?

A, cold

This is a relatively minor case, because of the sudden change in the weather, or the dog’s living environment is cold, this time the puppy diarrhea how to treat it? Give the dog to keep warm on it, when the living temperature rises, the dog will heal itself, this is like people sometimes have diarrhea from the cold, no need to be too nervous.

Second, change the dog food

When replacing dog food for dogs, its gastrointestinal needs to adapt to the new dog food, there will be a transition period, the dog will get better after adapting to the new dog food, this is a normal physiological phenomenon of puppies, do not need to worry too much, and do not need to take any treatment measures.

Third, the infection of intestinal parasites

If the dog diarrhea, the color of the stool is abnormal, and accompanied by vomiting, buttocks rubbing the ground and other situations, we should pay attention! This time the dog may be infected with intestinal parasites, sometimes there will be worms in the dog’s stool discharge. What can be done to treat doggie diarrhea caused by intestinal parasites? It is recommended that you give your dog Canine Heartworm, which is a dog dewormer that not only eliminates general internal parasites but also prevents heartworms. If the dog does not improve after feeding, it should be sent to the vet for further examination as soon as possible. Here again, you can use Follistim, which is produced by the same company as Canine Heartcare, to deworm your dog completely. Be sure to deworm your dog every month to ensure your dog’s basic health.

And how to treat puppy diarrhea if it is caused by other bacterial infections such as microbes? Promptly send to the hospital, do not delay! Because the bacteria such as microbes is not that eat deworming medicine or their own treatment can be solved, promptly go to the veterinary hospital to seek the help of doctors, so that the dog to restore health as soon as possible.

The puppy diarrhea how to treat you newbies you probably have some understanding of it? The problem is not to panic, puppy diarrhea how to treat is also to specific problems specific analysis, I hope you learn more when raising a dog, treat your dog well, bless your dog’s healthy growth.