The cat will enter your quilt, a few tips to let your cat learn to sleep in the nest

When we first started raising cats, the most important thing was to train them to rest in their own nests, and not let them sleep wherever they wanted. So if we don’t train it to sleep in its own bed in time, it is very likely to see it in its own bed. So the question is, how should we train it to sleep in its own nest? We have compiled some methods for you, let’s take a look.

1. Choose a suitable place for the cat litter

If we want to let the cat sleep in its own nest, we must first choose a suitable place for its nest. It cannot be placed in noisy places such as the TV and the aisle, because the sound of the outside world will affect the cat’s sleep. , making it feel excited and restless, and thus reluctant to sleep in its own nest. The editor recommends that you place the cat litter in the corner of the room to give it a quiet resting space.

2. Spread a small blanket that cats like

Cats have a very sensitive sense of smell, and they will pick up their own scents for the things they like, and these scents will make them feel comfortable and reassured. If your cat is often squatting or lying on a blanket, we can put this blanket in his nest, which will make them like to go back to their nest to sleep.

3. Force it to go back to sleep

If you find your cat in your quilt one day, you must give a loud “No” command to it, and hold it by the neck, bring it back to the cat’s litter, and then use a hood or a small box Cover it up, force it to sleep in its den, and do this over and over again, and in a few months your cat won’t be in your quilt.

4. Matters needing attention

We all know that children learn new things faster, and cats are the same. It is easier for young cats to learn to sleep in their own nests, while adult cats are more difficult to train, so if you also have cats at home, you must grasp it. Best training time. The training must be repeated. The cat is a relatively forgetful little animal, so our department can ask it to get better every day. As long as it performs well, we should give it some encouragement. If it does not perform well, it must be reprimanded in time.

The cat is a very cute little animal, but if it is not trained well, it may become a very annoying pet. If you want a sensible and cute cat, then train it as soon as possible.