How often should kittens be dewormed? Learn how to get rid of worms!

Small milk cats are soft and waxy, very cute, and the younger the cat is, the easier it is to develop behavior habits, so kittens are deeply loved by everyone. But kittens, like human fleas, are weaker, and the shovel officer has to pay more attention to it. Today, let’s talk about the deworming of kittens that the shit shoveling officers are more concerned about.

First, the kitten deworming time

All cat deworming medicines are toxic to a certain extent, and kittens have not fully developed their bodies before 2 months, so do not deworm them for the time being. However, if the stray cats are picked up from outside, they have a lot of parasites on them, and the balance between the two is the lighter one. You can consult a veterinarian to use a special kitten deworming medicine.

In general, it is recommended that cats be dewormed from the age of 2 months. The efficacy of cat anthelmintics generally lasts for about 1 month, while the growth cycle of parasites is usually less than 1 month. The shortest growth cycle of common fleas and mites is less than half a month. It may make a comeback, so the most scientific deworming frequency is 1 per month.

2. Dosage of kitten deworming medicine

As mentioned above, deworming drugs are toxic to a certain extent, so be sure to use the dosage according to the requirements on the manual. Generally speaking, kitten deworming medicines are generally selected according to the weight of the cat. The weight of the cat should be weighed before taking the medicine. Do not estimate, but be precise. The amount of deworming medicine is not enough to achieve the deworming effect. An overdose of deworming medicine may cause discomfort and even poisoning in cats.

Three, kitten deworming method

Internal deworming: If the cat is well behaved, the owner can directly put the cat medicine into the cat’s mouth, touch the throat, and make it swallow instinctively. If the cat is very resistant to taking medicine, you can mix the pills in canned food, cat strips and other snacks, and Mengniu can pass the test.

Note: Although feeding the medicine on an empty stomach is not easy to cause vomiting, it is more irritating to the stomach and intestines. Deworming should be done between 2 meals, such as 3-4 hours after eating, and fasting for 2-3 hours after administration. In order to reduce the stimulation to the intestinal tract, the effect of the medicine can be fully exerted. In vitro deworming: This kind of deworming is relatively simple. Most common deworming drugs are drops. Poke the coat between the back of the cat’s neck and the shoulder blades to expose the skin, and then drop the drops directly on the skin. Do not immediately drop the drops. When you release your hand, you should keep the action of pulling away the coat, let the potion slowly penetrate into the sebaceous glands, and then close the coat to cover the drug site.

Note: It is best not to bathe the cat within a week after deworming in vitro, so as not to affect the efficacy of the drug!

4. Recommended deworming medicine for kittens

There are many types of common kitten deworming medicines on the market, and here I only recommend one – Bolaien deworming in vitro and in vivo.

This kitten deworming medicine is composed of fipronil (S)-methoprene, acetamido abamectin, praziquantel, and is suitable for cats over 7 weeks old and weighing more than 0.6kg. The drop formula is a perfect solution. It solves the problem of difficult feeding of cats. This is a product with the most complete worm spectrum in the current mainstream kitten anthelmintics. It can drive and kill roundworms, hookworms, tapeworms, prevent heartworms, treat lungworms, and bladder nematodes in vivo; it can drive and kill ticks and fleas in vitro. , Flea eggs, larvae and flea pupae, prevention and treatment of ear itching mites, cat scabies, lice. In general, the control range is very wide, the deworming spectrum is comprehensive, and the deworming speed is fast enough, eliminating fleas within 24 hours, and eliminating ticks within 48 hours!

Today’s sharing about kitten deworming is here! Dear shovel officers, remember to deworm the kittens every month!